Data Structure
Data Structure
System Tools
Error Code / Android / CallbackRet


public abstract class CallbackRet{
    public int flag=eFlag.eFlag_Error;//result
    public String desc="";
    public int platform=0;//platform type


Store the information gotten after the user logs in the game

public class LoginRet extends CallbackRet{
    public String open_id=""; //the user account's unique identifier
    public String user_id=""; //the user's ID; reserved; the game doesn't need to care about it
    public String pf="";      //used for payment   call WGGetPf()to get it
    public String pf_key="";  //used for payment    call WGGetPfKey()to get it
    public String prajna_ext;   //New fields for 3.3.7
    public Vector<TokenRet> token=new Vector<TokenRet>(); //store the token list


Token information

public class TokenRet{
        public int type=0;         //token type  eTokenType type
        public String value="";    //token value
        public long expiration=0;  //token expiration time (the game doesn't need to care about it)


token Type

typedef enum _eTokenType{
    eToken_QQ_Access=1, // mobile QQ accessToken
    eToken_QQ_Pay,  // mobile QQ payToken
    eToken_WX_Access, // WeChat accessToken
    eToken_WX_Code, // WeChat code, already discarded
    eToken_WX_Refresh, // WeChat refreshToken
    eToken_Guest_Access // token in the Guest pattern
platform token type token use type valid period
mobile QQ accesstoken query mobile QQ user, friends, relation chain, share and other functions eToken_QQ_Access 90 days
mobile QQ paytoken pay-related eToken_QQ_Pay 7 days
WeChat accesstoken query WeChat user, friends, relation chain, share, payment, etc. eToken_WX_Access 2 hours
WeChat refreshtoken refresh accesstoken eToken_WX_Refresh 30 days


Store the information passed from the platform to the client when the game is awakened by the platform

public class WakeupRet extends CallbackRet{
    /** Passed openid */
    public String open_id="";
    /** Correspond to mediaTagName in WeChat message */
    public String media_tag_name="";
    /** extended message, which is brought to the game when the game is evoked */
    public String messageExt="";
    /** language     currently available only for versions higher than WeChat 5.1 and not for mobile QQ */
    public String lang="";
    /** country     currently available only for versions higher than WeChat 5.1 and not for mobile QQ */
    public String country="";
    public Vector<KVPair> extInfo=new Vector<KVPair>();


Geographical position information

public class LocationRet  extends CallbackRet{
    public double longitude;
    public double latitude;


Relation chain information, that is, "a group of" friends' information

public class RelationRet extends CallbackRet {
    public Vector<PersonInfo> persons=new Vector<PersonInfo>();

    public String toString() {
        String str="";
        if (this != null && this.persons != null) {
            str=str + "friends(num): " + this.persons.size() + ";";
        } else {
            str="friends(num): 0;";
        return str;


Friend's information

public class PersonInfo{
    public String nickName="";
    public String openId="";
    public String gender="";
    public String pictureSmall="";
    public String pictureMiddle="";
    public String pictureLarge="";
    public String province="";
    public String city="";
    public String gpsCity="";

    public float distance=0;
    public bool isFriend=false;
    public long timestamp=0;

    public String lang="";
    public String country="";


Shared information

public class ShareRet extends CallbackRet{
    public String extInfo="";


Group information

public class GroupRet extends CallbackRet{
        public int errorCode=0;
        public QQGroupInfo mQQGroupInfo ;
        public WXGroupInfo mWXGroupInfo ;


QQ group information

public class QQGroupInfo{
    public String groupName=""; /*group name */
    public String fingerMemo="";/*the group's brief introduction */
    public String memberNum=""; /*number of group members */
    public String maxNum=""; /*The maximum number of members that the group can accommodate */
    public String ownerOpenid=""; /*group leader's openid */
    public String unionid=""; /*Guild ID bound with the QQ group */
    public String zoneid=""; /*Zone ID */
    public String adminOpenids=""; /*Administrator's openid. If there are multiple administrators, use "," to separate them, for example, 0000000000000000000000002329FBEF,0000000000000000000000002329FAFF */
    public String groupOpenid="";  /*groupOpenid of the QQ group bound with the game guild ID */
    public String groupKey="";   /*the corresponding key of the QQ group needing to add */


WeChat group information

public class WXGroupInfo{
    public String openIdList="";      /* group member's openID */
    public String memberNum="";       /* number of group members */
    public String chatRoomURL="";     /*such as group chat UR */


Login return code

public class eFlag{
    public const int eFlag_Succ=0;
    /** QQ&QZone login fail and can't get accesstoken */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_NoAcessToken=1000;
    /** QQ&QZone user has cancelled login process */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_UserCancel=1001;

    /** QQ&QZone login fail (tencentDidNotLogin) */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_LoginFail=1002;
    /** QQ&QZone networkErr */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_NetworkErr=1003;
    /** QQ is not install */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_NotInstall=1004;
    /** QQ don't support open api */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_NotSupportApi=1005;
    /** QQ&QZone networkErr */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_AccessTokenExpired=1006;
    /** pay token expiration time  */
    public const int eFlag_QQ_PayTokenExpired=1007;

    /** Weixin is not installed */
    public const int eFlag_WX_NotInstall=2000;
    /** Weixin don't support api */
    public const int eFlag_WX_NotSupportApi=2001;
    /** Weixin user has cancelled */
    public const int eFlag_WX_UserCancel=2002;
    /** Weixin User has denys */
    public const int eFlag_WX_UserDeny=2003;
    public const int eFlag_WX_LoginFail=2004;
    /** Weixin (WeChat) refreshes the token successfully */
    public const int eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenSucc=2005;
    /** Weixin (WeChat) refreshes the token unsuccessfully */
    public const int eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenFail=2006;
    /** Weixin accessToken expires; try to use refreshtoken to refresh the token */
    public const int eFlag_WX_AccessTokenExpired=2007;
    /** Weixin refresh also expires */
    public const int eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenExpired=2008;

    public const int eFlag_Error=-1;

    /** Automatic login fails; need to reauthorize; errors include the local token expiration, refresh failure and other errors */
    public const int eFlag_Local_Invalid=-2;

    /** not in the white list */
    public const int eFlag_NotInWhiteList=-3;
    /** need to guide the user to open the location-based service(LBS) */
    public const int eFlag_LbsNeedOpenLocationService=-4;
    /** Position fails   */
    public const int eFlag_LbsLocateFail=-5;
	/** Positioning failed The positioning switch is not turned on  */
    public const int eFlag_LbsNeedOpenLocationSwitch=-6;
    /** The user has not authorized the relationship chain permission   */
    public const int eFlag_UnPermission=-9;
    /** Positioning timeout */
    public const int eFlag_LbsLocateTimeout=-11;

    /** Quick login-related return value */
    /**need to enter the login page */
    public const int eFlag_NeedLogin=3001;
    /**Use URL to log in successfully */
    public const int eFlag_UrlLogin=3002;
    /**Need to pop up the account inconsistency prompt */
    public const int eFlag_NeedSelectAccount=3003;
    /**Refresh token via the URL */
    public const int eFlag_AccountRefresh=3004;
    /*Add the logic that is checking tokens */
    public const int eFlag_Checking_Token=5001;
    /**Under logging in now. Please wait for login callback before operation */
    public const int eFlag_Logining=5002;
    /**Under logging in now. Please wait for login callback before operation */
    public const int eFlag_Login_Timeout=5003;
    /**Call interfaces too frequently */
    public const int eFlag_RequestTooFrequently=5004;
	/**built-in browser closed */
    public const int eFlag_WebviewClosed=6001;
    /**The url for opening the account cancellation page is invalid */
    public const int eFlag_Invalid_Delete_Account_URL=6002;
    /**In case of the account cancellation operation, the account is not logged in or the login channel does not support the operation */
    public const int eFlag_Invalid_Login_Channel=6003;
    /**The event that webview js passes parameters to native */
    public const int eFlag_Webview_page_event=7000;

    /** This feature is not available under Guest pattern */
    public const int eFlag_InvalidOnGuest=-7;
    /** Guest's token is invalid */
    public const int eFlag_Guest_AccessTokenInvalid=4001;
    /** Login in the Guest pattern fails */
    public const int eFlag_Guest_LoginFailed=4002;
    /** Registration in the Guest pattern fails */
    public const int eFlag_Guest_RegisterFailed=4003;

Mobile QQ related:

return code name description recommended handling method
1000 eFlag_QQ_NoAcessToken mobile QQ login fails; not get accesstoken return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
1001 eFlag_QQ_UserCancel the player cancels mobile QQ-authorized login return to the login page, and notify that the player has cancelled mobile QQ-authorized login
1002 eFlag_QQ_LoginFail mobile QQ login fails return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
1003 eFlag_QQ_NetworkErr network error retry
1004 eFlag_QQ_NotInstall the player's device doesn't install mobile QQ client guide the player to install mobile QQ client
1005 eFlag_QQ_NotSupportApi the player's mobile QQ client doesn't support this interface guide the player to upgrade mobile QQ client
1006 eFlag_QQ_AccessTokenExpired accesstoken expires return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
1007 eFlag_QQ_PayTokenExpired paytoken expires return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again

WeChat related:

return code name description recommended handling method
2000 eFlag_WX_NotInstall the player's device doesn't install WeChat client guide the player to install WeChat client
2001 eFlag_WX_NotSupportApi the player's WeChat client doesn't support this interface guide the player to upgrade WeChat client
2002 eFlag_WX_UserCancel the player cancels WeChat-authorized login return to the login page, and notify that the player has cancelled WeChat-authorized login
2003 eFlag_WX_UserDeny the player refuses WeChat-authorized login return to the login page, and notify that the player has refused WeChat-authorized login
2004 eFlag_WX_LoginFail WeChat login fails return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
2005 eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenSucc WeChat refreshes the token successfully get WeChat token, and login the game
2006 eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenFail WeChat refreshes the token unsuccessfully return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
2007 eFlag_WX_AccessTokenExpired WeChat accessToken expires try to use refreshtoken to refresh the token
2008 eFlag_WX_RefreshTokenExpired WeChat refreshtoken expires return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again

account inconsistency related:

return code name description recommended handling method
3001 eFlag_NeedLogin the game's local account and launched account can not login the game return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
3002 eFlag_UrlLogin Account inconsistency does not exist. The game is quickly logged in successfully via the launched account read the token in LoginRet struct for the game's authorization process
3003 eFlag_NeedSelectAccount there is account inconsistency between the game's local account and launched account pop up a dialog box to let the user select the login account
3004 eFlag_AccountRefresh Account inconsistency does not exist. MSDK has refreshed the local account token via the refresh interface read the token in LoginRet struct for the game's authorization process

Related to mobile QQ group (v2):

Return code Description Recommended handling way
221001 Bound group No need to deal with
221002 Unbound group No need to deal with
221003 Bound group packet return error No need to deal with
221004 Fail in getting uin and tskey check if the login state is correct
221005 Current user is not group leader No need to deal with
221006 Invalid openid Check if the openid is valid
221007 Parameter is invalid Check the interface parameters, like appid, guild_id,zone_id, gc. For details, refer to interface parameter list
221008 No interface call authority Refer to authority management to apply for authority
-182001 Fail in requesting group background cgi No need to deal with
-182002 Fail in operating cmem No need to deal with
-182003 "Create group" fails No need to deal with
-182004 Fail in searching the group No need to deal with
-182005 Fail in converting openid into uin No need to deal with
-182008 Fail in consulting the idip No need to deal with
-500003~-500009 Fail in parsing services and returning the data No need to deal with
-120000 login state verification failed Check if the login state is effective

Related to WeChat group (create a group, unbind a group):

Return code Description Recommended handling way
-1 System error Retry once; if failed, please contact the mobile & online game department's MSDK technical support staff through the enterprise's QQ (800013811).
-10000 internal error game fails to create the group authority.
-10001 This game has no authority to create group The game did not open or create the group authority in the game center.
-10002 Parameter check error Confirm the correctness of parameters; if failed, please contact the mobile & online game department's MSDK technical support staff through the enterprise's QQ (800013811).
-10003 Link does not exist (has nothing to do with the group) None
-10004 Failed to get hoplink (has nothing to do with the group) None
-10005 group ID has already existed Never create the group repeatedly
-10006 Number of created group exceeds the upper limit Change a user to create the group
-10007 group ID does not exist Use the existing group ID
-10008 group ID is unavailable group ID may create only one group chat in a day, and the continual creation may be conducted on the next day (if the group ID has been unbound, the group IP may not create the group within 24 hours )
-10009 The user is not in the group None
-20001 Groups created by the user exceed the limit Number of groups created by users shall not exceed 20 or the number of unbound groups shall not exceed 20
-201608 kv read fails Contact interface personnel in relation to WeChat
-201609 kv write fails Contact interface personnel in relation to WeChat

Related to WeChat group (create a group, unbind a group); the error codes are used in 2.18.0 and later versions; their Anroid and iOS versions are unified:

Return code Description Recommended handling way
-1 System error Retry once; if failed, please contact the mobile & online game department's MSDK technical support staff through the enterprise's QQ (800013811).
2014 A group has been created today Use another id to create a group.
2015 The number of groups joined with the ID exceeds the upper limit Try again the next day.
2009 No permission to create groups Contact product staff to open the permission.
2012 The number of created or unbound groups exceeds the upper limit None
2011 WeChat group already exists None
2013 Group ID does not exist None
2010 Parameter check error None


return code name description recommended handling method
0 eFlag_Succ success Handled according to the interface's success logic
-1 eFlag_Error error handled according to the default error handling method of the interface
2 eFlag_Local_Invalid account automatic login failed, due to the local token expiration, refresh failure and other errors return to the login page, and guide the player to get the login authorization again
-3 eFlag_NotInWhiteList the player's account is not in the white list prompt the player not to grab numbers yest, and guide the player to enter MyApp to grab numbers
4 eFlag_LbsNeedOpenLocationService LBS required by the game is not opened yet guide the user to open LBS
5 eFlag_LbsLocateFail game location fails tips player situation fails
3005 eFlag_Need_Realname_Auth the game requires real-name authentication suspend the handling of the game on msdk login timeout



Mobile QQ scene enumeration

public enum eQQScene{
    QQScene_QZone=1, //Qzone
    QQScene_Session=2 //mobile QQ session


WeChat scene enumeration

public enum eWechatScene{
    WechatScene_Session=0, //WeChat session
    WechatScene_Timeline=1 //WeChat Moments


Platform enumeration

public enum ePlatform{
    ePlatform_None=0, //Not login
    ePlatform_Weixin=1, //WeChat platform
    ePlatform_QQ=2, //mobile QQ platform
    ePlatform_WTLogin=3, //WTLogin login
    ePlatform_QQHall=4, //mobile QQ game hall
    ePlatform_Guest=5, //guest login
    ePlatform_Auto=6 //Automatic login, use the last platform


Notice information

public class NoticeInfo{
    public String msg_id; /* notice id */
    public String open_id; /* the user's open_id */
    public String msg_url ; /* notice hoplink */
    public int msg_type ; /* notice display type, scroll out */
    public String msg_scene ; /* notice display scene; the administration end's back-end configuration */
    public String start_time; /* notice valid period's start time */
    public String end_time ; /* notice valid period's end time */
    public String update_time ; /* notice update time */
    public int content_type;/* notice content type,eMSG_CONTENTTYPE */
    public int msg_order;/*notice priority level */

    /*text notice's special field */
    public String msg_title ; /* notice title */
    public String msg_content;/* notice content */

    /*webpage notice's special field */
    public String content_url;
    public Vector<PicInfo> picArray=new Vector<PicInfo>();

    /*User-defined parameters*/
    public String mNoticeCustom="";

Level of log reported to bugly


public enum eBuglyLogLevel{
    eBuglyLogLevel_S=0, /* Silent */
    eBuglyLogLevel_E=1, /* Error */
    eBuglyLogLevel_W=2, /* Warnning */
    eBuglyLogLevel_I=3, /* Info */
    eBuglyLogLevel_D=4, /* Debug */
    eBuglyLogLevel_V=5, /* Verbose */


public enum eApiName{


public enum eStatusType{


public enum eRelationRetType{


public class LocalMessageIOS{
    public String fireDate { get; set; }        /*local push's triggering time, format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss */
    public String alertBody { get; set; }       /*the push content */
    public int badge { get; set; }              /*the number of the superscript */
    public String alertAction { get; set; }     /*replace the button text content of the popup box (default to "Start") */
    public List<KVPair> userInfo { get; set; }  /*user-defined parameter, which can be used to identify push and add additional information */
    public String userInfoKey { get; set; }     /*the identifier Key of the local push in the front-end push */
    public String userInfoValue { get; set; }   /*the corresponding value of the identifier Key of the local push in the front-end push */

    public LocalMessageIOS(){


public class LocalMessageAndroid{
    public int type { get; set; }                   /* message type: 1: notification, 2: message */
    public int action_type { get; set; }            /* action type, 1 open activity or app itself, 2 open webview, 3 open Intent, 4 open app via the package name; default to 1 */
    public String title { get; set; }               /* message title: message title */
    public String content { get; set; }             /* message content: message content */
    public String custom_content { get; set; }      /* the message's user-defined content */
    public int icon_type { get; set; }              /* Is the notification bar icon an in-app icon or an uploaded icon (0 means in-app icon, 1 means uploaded icon; default to 0) */
    public int lights { get; set; }                 /* Is it a breathing light? (0 no, 1 yes; default to 1) */
    public int ring { get; set; }                   /* Is it a ring?  (0 no, 1 yes; default to 1) */
    public int vibrate { get; set; }                /* Is it a vibration?  (0 no, 1 yes; default to 1) */
    public int style_id { get; set; }               /* Do Web-end settings cover the notification style numbered build_id? default to 1, 0 no, 1 yes */
    public long builderId { get; set; }             /* message style, default to 0 or not set */
    public String activity { get; set; }            /* open the specified Activity, such as: com.qq.xgdemo.AboutActivity. When action type is 1 or 4, the action is valid */
    public String packageDownloadUrl { get; set; }
    public String packageName { get; set; }         /* launch other app's package name. When action type is 4, the action is valid */
    public String icon_res { get; set; }            /* in-app icon file name (xg.png) or downloaded icon's url, such as: xg or image url */
    public String date { get; set; }                /* date of popping up notification; the format is ”yyyyMMdd” */
    public String hour { get; set; }                /* date of popping up notification, in hours */
    public String min { get; set; }                 /* date of popping up notification, in minutes */
    public String intent { get; set; }              /* set and open intent, such as (10086 dial page )intent:10086#Intent;scheme=tel;action=android.intent.action.DIAL;S.key=value;end;when action type is 3, the action is valid */
    public String url { get; set; }                 /* open url, such as:。When action type is 2, the action is valid */
    public String ring_raw { get; set; }            /* specify in-app sound (ring.mp3), such as: ring */
    public String small_icon { get; set; }          /* specify the status bar's small picture (xg.png), such as: xg */

    public LocalMessageAndroid(){


typedef struct
    int ret;                        // query result flag; 0 means success
    std::string msg;                // description
    std::string country;            // country
    bool isQueryByRequestHeader;    // indicate whether to query the request header
} GetCountryFromIPRet;


typedef struct
    int ret;                        //Query result flag, 0 means success
    int country_no;                 //Country number
    int province_no;                //Province number
    int city_no;                    //City number
    std::string msg;                //Description
    std::string country;            //Country
    std::string province;           //Province
    std::string city;               //City
    bool isQueryByRequestHeader;    //A flag used to show whether to query the request header
} GetIPInfoRet;