MSDK background interface
QQ authentication[Required]
WeChat authentication[Required]
Guset authentication[Required]
Apple authentication[Required]
Get pf and pfkey
[QQ]User information
[QQ]Friends information
[QQ]Friends information(unreg)
[QQ]Game information
[QQ]member information
[QQ]Member details
[QQ] Union binding group
[QQ]Group relation query
[QQ]Join group
[QQ]Unbound the group
[QQ]Get group list
[QQ]Bind qqgroups
[QQ]Remind the president to bind group
[QQ]Query group-bound union
[QQ]Get group info
[QQ]Send group message
[WeChat]Game friends info
[WeChat]Friends openid
[WeChat]Personal information
[WeChat]Group member information
[WeChat]Unbind group
[WeChat]Send group message
[WeChat]Query group state
[QQ]First realname info
[QQ]Get VIP information
[QQ]Blue diamond gift pack
[QQ]Wifi qualification
[QQ]Report the achievements
[QQ]Get Xinyue vip
[WeChat]First realname info
[WeChat]Get privilege
[WeChat]Get Xinyue vip
[WeChat]Report the achievements
[WeChat]Message subscription
[WeChat]Batch subscription
[WeChat]Subscription push
[WeChat]Clear subscription
[WeChat]Elite query
[QQ]Backend share
Free flow
Query free flow
Inquire IP info
Error Code
MSDK access layer
MSDK logical layer
Mobile QQ platform
WeChat platform
WeChat Group
QQ Group
Mobile QQ game center
Mobile QQ sharing-related
Mobile QQ blue diamond gift big
Get Xinyue Super R
[WeChat]Get Xinyue Super R
MSDK background interface / Error Code / MSDK access layer

1 Outline

  1. MSDK error codes are divided into access layer, logical layer and platform layer error codes.
  2. Ordinary errors, such as appid error, appkey error and permissions control, can be directly returned from the access layer. As for specific meanings of errors, refer to MSDK access layer error codes .
  3. When an error appears at the logical layer, MSDK access layer will passthrough the error code ret and error description msg, of which ret is defined by MSDK logical layer.
  4. If there is any business error at the platform layer or any error on mobile QQ token side, MSDK will return ret: -10000, msg: platform error code, and platform error description, such as: "msg":"-73,the user modify password wrong".
  5. If there is business error at the platform layer or error on the WeChat side, MSDK will return ret: -20000, and msg is: platform error code ,platformerror description , for example: "msg":"40001,invalid credential"
  6. MSDK access layer has classified the error codes and adds a new parameter err_type, 0: normal, 1: network instability, please try it again later, 2: re-authorization, 3: use refreshToken to refresh access token, 5: unknown error

2 MSDK access layer error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
0 succeed
-303 This appid has no permissions in msdk Confirm if appid is correct; check if this business's basic materials have passed the review; check if the business has the interface permissions.
-304 request parameter is not json format Please use json format request
-307 internal error Try it again; if this fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-308 internal error Try it again. If this fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-309 internal error Try it again. If this fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-310 internal error Try it again. If this still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-311 The logical layer fails to find the corresponding interface command word msdk logical layer fails to realize this function, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-312 internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-402 User feedback function lacks parameters Check if the request parameter is correct
-501 In http request, the body is null http body in the request string can’t be null. Please refer to request demos in the interface documentation
-502 msdk access layer url signature error Signature calculation method is sig=md5(appkey + timestamp)
-503 Frequency exceeds the limit The same user's request frequency exceeds the limit
-504 appid does not exit appid in url is null or the app has no permissions to access this interface. Please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-505 url error, the interface does not exit the interface does exist. Confirm the interface name
-506 url lacks parameters Refer to the interface documentation to check the parameters
-507 internal error, which needs no disposal normal error, which needs no disposal
-601 internal error try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-701 internal error try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-702 internal error try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-801 Users feedback-related error try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.(without any impact on the game's normal functions)
-901 Unable to access this interface in the guest mode Switch to mobile QQ or WeChat login mode
-107 Payment IP is not in the white list try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-101 Fail in parsing http try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.

3 MSDK logical layer error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
0 succeed
1 The query result is null, no data Don’t need any disposal
-100 -100 to -999 belong to system-class errors
-101 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-102 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-103 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-104 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-105 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-106 msdk logical layer’s internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-109 Fail in executing the guest mode Please check the correctness of appid、appkey、accessToken、guestid
-110 Fail in verifying the guest mode Please check the correctness of appid、appkey、accessToken、guestid
-1000 -1000 to -1999 belong to errors returned from the client
-1011 input parameter is null Check if the parameters in the request body are null or there is any int/string type error
-2000 -2000~-9999 belong to errors returned from the server
-2001 internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2002 internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2003 The command does not exist msdk logical layer doesn’t provide this interface
-2004 Platform response packet error received by msdk logical layer Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2005 platform http body received by msdk logical layer is null Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2006 platform response packet received by msdk logical layer has json parsing failure Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2007 The return value of platform response packet received by msdk logical layer is null Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2008 Internal error (ST decoding failure) Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2009 internal error(A8 decoding failure) Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-2010 Internal error (unable to find the business configuration in the configuration file or there is configuration error) Check if this business's basic materials have passed the review; if it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10000 -10000 and above belong to this service's error Please refer to specific error description in msg
-10001 invalid qq number Any valid number must be bigger than 10000
-10002 invalid openid Please check if the incoming appid and openid are correct. If you still have any doubt, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10003 Wrong login modes Please confirm that the login mode is one of the following types: mobile QQ(1), WeChat (2), or guest mode (5)
-10005 Internal exception Try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10010 White list data has already exited. Normal return. The user has grabbed a number. The user has no need to grab any more number.
-10011 Data in the white list is full Total data in the white list has reached the upper limit, and the user is reminded of grabbing the number later (after the upper limit of the white list is expanded)
-10012 No corresponding data The user is not in the white list and can’t access the game until the user grabs a number
-10013 No corresponding permissions configuration Check if this service's basic data has passed the review; if it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10014 The record has expired The user's white list data has expired, and the user needs to grab a number again
-15000 -15000~-19999 belong to business errors related to mobile QQ platform OIDB. For more details, refer to
-20000 -Error codes above -20000 belong to WeChat business errors Please refer to specific error description in msg
-20001 invalid QQ number Any valid number must be bigger than 10000
-20002 invalid openid Please check if the incoming appid and openid are correct. If you still have any doubt, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-20003 Wrong login modes Please confirm that the login mode is one of the following types: mobile QQ(1), WeChat (2), or guest mode (5)
-20004 invalid appid Check if appid is correct
-20005 Internal exception Try it again. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-30000 -30000 and above belong to LBS errors
-30001 LBS location information failure Try it again. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-30005 Fail in getting nearby persons

4 Mobile QQ platform error code

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-1 The client's request parameter is invalid Check the correctness of the request parameter
-2 appid in the request does not exist Confirm the correctness of appid and appkey. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-3 In the client request, app has no permissions to access api Check if the appid has permissions. If it has, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4 app ip in the request is not permitted If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-5 Signature verification fails Try it again. If it fails, please contact M MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-6 In the client request, the access of app to api exceeds the limit Lower the access frequency, and check if the request is normal. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-7 Request protocol is invalid; e.g., https is written into http Check if the access protocol is correct. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-8 Request is restricted. Usually, this is becuase the safety audit fails to pass If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-9 api does not exist If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10 In the request, app intranet ip is not permitted If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-11 In the request, app extranet ip is not permitted If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-12 The test environment's debugging number is constrained Please use the number with permissions
-20 In the client request, api is not authorized by the user Re-authorization
-21 access_token has been annulled Re-authorization
-22 openid is invalid Confirm the correctness of appid and openid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-23 openkey is invalid Re-authorization
-24 openid openkey verification fails Re-authorization
-25 0x71f 0x5b: the difference between timestamp and the current system time exceeds 10 minutes Confirm the consistency of appid, appkey, and openke. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-26 0x71f 0x5a: repeated nonce Error incurs when openid is converted. Confirm the correctness of appid, openid
-70 Return of login verification; appid is found to be invalid when vopenkey is verified Confirm the consistency of appid, appkey and openkey. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-71 openid fails to match openkey Confirm the consistency of openid and openkey
-72 appkey is inconsistent with appkey in the permission tmem Confirm the correctness of appid and appkey. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-73 0x47 The modified passward of access token expires Re-authorization
100000 Parameter missing or wrong response_type Please check request parameters
100001 Parameter missing or wrong response_type Please check request parameters
100002 Lack the parameter client_secret Please check request parameters
100003 Lack authorization in http head Please check request parameters
100004 Parameter missing or wrong grant_type Please check request parameters
100005 Lack the code parameter Please check request parameters
100006 Lack refresh token Please check request parameters
100007 Lack access token Please check request parameters
100008 The appid does not exit Confirm the correctness of appid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100009 appkey(client_secret) is invalid Confirm the correctness of appid and appkey. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100010 Callback URL is invalid Callback URL is invalid. As for common reasons for this, please see:
100011 APP fails to be in the online state If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100012 Non-post mode If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100013 access token is invalid Re-authorization
100014 access token expires Re-authorization
100015 access token is annulled Re-authorization
100016 access token verification failure, and other reasons Re-authorization
251001 Illegal parameters Check if the parameters are correct according to the parameter list
251002 access token is invalid Re-authorization
251003 Fail to get a friend's openid Have no permission to call the interface. Please apply for the permission
251004 Fail to get a friend's cache Report the error to MSDK and contact mobile QQ staff to handle it
251005 Fail to update a friend's cache Report the error to MSDK and contact mobile QQ staff to handle it

5 WeChat platform error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
0 ok -
-6 Package name or signature is incorrect Check if the package name or signature is correct
48001 api unauthorized Check if you have interface permissions
44002 empty post data -
47001 data format error -
-1 system error Try it again, if it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
42001 access_token expired accessToken expires. reactivate the authorization
42003 code expired Reactivate the authorization
42004 refresh_token expired Reactivate the authorization
40013 invalid appid Confirm the correctness of appid. If you still have any doubts, contact MSDK to reflect the problems to WeChat staff to dispose of them
40001 invalid credential Reactivate the authorization
40002 invalid grant_type Reactivate the authorization
40003 invalid    openid Confirm the accuracy of openid. For any questions, contact MSDK and submit it to WeChat side for further handling
40007 invalid media_id media_id used for uploading pictures is invalid; upload pictures again to get media_id
40008 invalid message type -
40009 invalid image size Check if the image size is within the required range
40012 invalid thumb size Check if the thumb size is within the required range
40014 invalid access_token Confirm the accuracy of access_token. For any questions, contact MSDK and submit it to WeChat side for further handling
40029 invalid code Reactivate the authorization
40003 invalid openid Reactivate the authorization
40031 invalid openid list Reactivate the authorization
40032 invalid refresh_token Reactivate the authorization
40037 invalid template_id -
40036 invalid template_id size -
45011 api limit Limit the access frequency. Check if there is attack. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
45009 api freq out of limit Limit the access frequency. Check if there is attack. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
45013 too many template args Limit the access frequency. Check if there is attack. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
45014 template message size out of limit Limit the access frequency. Check if there is attack. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
41001 access_token missing Reactivate the authorization
41002 appid missing Confirm the correctness of request parameter appid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
41004 appsecret missing Confirm the correctness of request parameter appid and appkey. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
41008 missing code Confirm the correctness of request parameter code. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
41009 missing openid Confirm the correctness of request parameter appid and openid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
41003 refresh_token missing Confirm the correctness of request parameter appid and refresh_token. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
42009 client tmp token expired Re-launch authorization
40180 invalid client tmp token Re-launch authorization
43005 require friend relations -
43003 require https Use https request
43004 require subscribe -
40030 invalid refresh_token Re-launch authorization
40039 invalid url size Check if the url length is within the required range
40066 invalid url Check if the url is legal
40163 code been used Re-launch authorization
41006 media_id missing Check if the parameter "media_id" is passed
41010 missing url Check if the parameter "url" is passed
45003 title size out of limit Check if the parameter "title" exceeds the limit
45004 description size out of limit Check if the "description" parameter exceeds the limit
45005 url size out of limit Check if the length of the "url" parameter exceeds the limit

5.1 Error codes related to WeChat joining and binding groups

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-1 System error Try it again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10000 internal error game fails to create the group authority.
-10001 This game has no authority to create group The game did not open or create the group authority in the game center.
-10002 Parameter check error Confirm correctness of parameters. If it fails, please contactMSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-10003 The link does not exist (it has nothing to do with the group)
-10004 Failure in getting the hoplink (it has nothing to do with the group)
-10005 group ID has already existed Never create the group repeatedly
-10006 The number of groups created by a user exceeds the upper limit (web page) Change another user to create groups; a user can create or unbind not more than 20 groups
-10007 group ID does not exist Use the existing group ID
-10008 Group ID is not available
-10009 The user is not in the group
-10010 The number of groups joined by a user exceeds the upper limit
-20001 The number of groups created by a user exceeds the upper limit (WeChat client has been installed) Change another user to create groups; a user can create or unbind not more than 20 groups
-201608 kv read fails Contact interface personnel in relation to WeChat
-201609 kv write fails Contact interface personnel in relation to WeChat

5.2 Mobile QQ group interface error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
221001 The guild has already been bound with a group Change another group or guild
221002 Unbound group Bind a group at first and then proceed with this operation
221003 Bound group's backpack error Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221004 Fail in getting uin and tskey Check if the login state is correct
221005 The current user is not the group leader Check if the current user is the group leader
221006 Invalid openid Check if the openid is valid
221007 Incorrect incoming parameters Check interface parameters, such as appid, guild_id, zone_id, gc, etc. For more details, please refer to the Interface Parameter List
221008 No interface call authority Refer to authority management to apply for authority
221009 Not a guild member Check if the player is a guild member
221010 Reach the maximum number of groups which can be created Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221011 Create groups too frequently Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221012 The group has been deleted Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221013 Group platform interface exception Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221014 Fail to read the memory Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221015 Fail to write date into the memory Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221016 Fail to send the official account's messages Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221017 Fail to report data Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
221018 Alert that binding groups is too frequent Reduce the frequency of accessing the group-binding interface
221019 The group has been bound to other guilds Change another group or guild and then bind it
221020 The group is a pay group Change the bound group into a non-pay group
221021 Non-gaming group Change the bound group to a gaming group
-182001 Fail to request the group's backend cgi Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182002 Fail to operate cmem Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
-182003 Fail to create a group Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182004 Fail to query the group Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182005 Fail to turn openid into uin Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182006 Fail to join the group Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182007 Fail to query the group list Contact group platform staff to handle it
-182008 Fail to query idip Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
-500003~-500009 Parsing service fails to return data Contact mobile QQ group svr staff to handle it
-120000 login state verification failed Check if the login state is effective

6 Mobile QQ game center error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
0 succeed
-4000 Failure in creating the processing logic Try it again
-4001 Parameter missing Check the correctness of input parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4002 Failure in parsing sid Try it again
-4003 Failure in writing the red dot timestamp Try it again
-4004 Parameter missing Check the correctness of input parameters. If it fails, please contactMSDK客服提供技术支持。
-4005 servlet service fails to create processing logic Try it again
-4006 Required parameter is missing Check the correctness of input parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4007 Failure in getting app friends Try it again
-4008 Failure in verifying AccessToken Try it again
-4009 Frequency exceeds the limit Reduce the frequency. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4010 Get UIN error Confirm the correctness of appid, openid and access token. In most cases, the expiration of accessToken is the main reason for such error because accessToken has a period of validity. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4011 Get open id error Confirm the correctness of appid and openid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4012 The reported achievement data expire. Only data larger than the original data can be reported Expired timestamp is invalid
-4013 Failure in verifying skey Re-authorization
-4014 Failure in setting the way to verify the user identity Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4015 Failure in finding appropriate uri Confirm the correctness of appid and interface name. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4016 Request parameter sig verification error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4017 openid does not exist Confirm the correctness of appid and openid. If there is still any error, contact msdk to feed back the error to the game center for disposal
-4018 Service exception Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4019 Failure in getting the achievement data Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4020 Failure in sending the feeds Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4021 Failure in getting personal information Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4022 Parameter is invalid Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4023 Failure in getting feeds Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4024 No recently played game Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4025 Failure in getting any recently played game Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4026 The application has no configuration in db Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4027 Failure in getting feeds Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4028 Failure in parsing the json Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4029 The member fails to report the challenge starting information Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4030 The game fails to report the challenge starting information Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4031 timestamp is invalid. The start time should be less than the end time Expired timestamp is invalid
-4032 appid verification fails Confirm the correctness of appid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4033 No param field in the URL or the field is invalid Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4034 No list field in the json or the field is invalid Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
-4035 No type or no data field in json, or the field is invalid (data shall not be left blank) Confirm the correctness of request parameter data, and the data shall not be left blank
-4036 uin verification fails Confirm the correctness of appid and openid. If it fails, contact the Mobile Online Game MSDK through the corporate QQ(800013811)
-4037 expires field is invalid (it is absolutely an expired timestamp, such as 1398575082) Confirm the correctness of the expires' parameter

7 Mobile QQ sharing-related error codes

7.1 Share messages to QZone(/share/qzone)

Error code Error description Recommended handling
1000 Invalid parameter Confirm the correctness of the request parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1001 The server is busy. Please Try again later Try again later
1002 Please login first Re-authorization
1025 Please login again Re-authorization
1026 Initialization fails Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1024 This application does not exist Confirm the correctness of appid. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1005 Parameter error Confirm the correctness of the request parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1027 Sendstory share configuration parameter error Confirm the correctness of the request parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1028 Sendstory share parameter error Confirm the correctness of the request parameters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
1031 The maximum number of sharing is %d times a day. Try again tomorrow Normal error. Sharing is beyond the limit

7.2 Share messages to QQ(/share/qq)

Error code Error description Recommended handling
2 Parameter error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
7 internal error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
13 Command word error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
16 Request packet error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
21 Message serialization error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
22 Backend error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
23 Storage error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
24 Backend timeout Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
25 msgsender internal error(socket,zmq) Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
26 Distribution session error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
27 The message is too large, (the entire message body size is controlled within 700 bytes, and there is no need to fill in previewText) Reduce the length of the shared message content. summary shall not exceed 40 characters. If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
28 Structured message error Check the structured sharing message . If it fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
29 The user rejects to receive it Request another user
30 Exceed a user's allowable daily sharing times. Please try again tomorrow Normal error
31 Invalid account This account is unavailable
32 The sharing target user is not a friend or the target user fails to pay attention to the official account: QQ mobile game Normal error. After the target user pays attention to the QQ mobile game, it succeeds
33 No permissions transfer Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
34 The mass texting message is repeated Normal error
35 imagent return error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
36 Error in adding mass texting task Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
37 No fans for the mass texting group Normal error
38 Error of the sending platform Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100000 Authentication error! uin,skey error Re-authorize
100001 Parameter error! The required parameters are missing, or the parameter types are incorrect Confirm the accuracy of the request parameters. If failed, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100003 Service error! Please contact the relevant developers Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100004 Dirty word error! Keywords involve porn, politics and others Modify the description text
100100 CGI can only be requested with the post mode Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100101 CGI is subject to Referer limitation Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100012 Service timeout error! Please contact the relevant developers Try again. If it still fails, please contact M MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
111111 Unknown error! Please contact the relevant developers Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
99999 frequency limitation error Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
100021 CSRF test parameter HASH verification Try again. If it still fails, please contact MSDK Customer Service to provide technical support.
220001 Parameters for issuing public account messages are insufficient check the accuracy of the parameter
220002 The request parameter is illegal check the accuracy of the parameter
220003 Fail to find the corresponding gift bag configuration of appid Check if appid is used correctly or check if the gift bag is configured correctly
220011 access_token check error check if access_token is valid
220012 access_token is a required field check if access_token is filled in
220013 openid is a required field check if openid is filled in
220014 fopenids is a required field check if fopenids is filled in
220015 targeturl is a required field check if targeturl is filled in
220016 targeturl exceeds 256 bytes targeturl cannot exceed 256 bytes
220017 imgurl is a required field check if imgurl is filled in
220018 Failed to get uin and tskey (0x711_21) Failed to check the login state. Check if the login state (openid and access_token) expires or is filled wrongly
220019 Illegal json format Check if the json format of the receiver's fopenids is accurate
220020 fopenids parameter is not formatted properly Check if the format of the receiver's fopenids is correct. It must be a json list
220021 Failed to get uin and tskey (0x711_23) Failed to get the uin of the receiving friends in batch. Check if the friend's openid is filled wrongly
220022 Failed to get the sender’s uin Check if the receiver's openid is filled wrongly or if the sender's access_token is accurate
220023 Failed to get the receiver’s uin Check whether to fill in the right receiver’s openid
220024 Failed to get the friend relationship Failed to get the friend relationship via the internal logic. Check if the sender and the receiver are friends
220025 Non-friend relationship The sender and the receiver are not friends
220028 Beyond the frequency limit Exceed the maximum pieces of messages which the receiver can receive a day or the maximum pieces of messages which the sender can send to the same receiver a day; the same user can receive up to 5 pieces per day, and up to 3 pieces can be received from the same user a day
220032 Failed to check appid parameter before sending public account by default. Currently, it is not put on the shelf yet Report this problem to MSDK and contact mobile QQ to handle it
220033 The appid and gametag of the currently sent message are not configured in AMS Report this problem to MSDK and contact mobile QQ to handle it
901203 The basic side limits the sending frequency: the same user can send up to 10 messages per day and 40 messages per week Change account verification
901204 Restricted reception frequency on the basic side: the same user can receive up to 5 messages per day (up to 1 message per day from the same user), and the same user can receive up to 20 messages per week Change account verification
901205 The basic side limits the frequency of interaction between the two parties: users can interact at most once a day Change account verification

7.3 Ark is shared to QQ (/share/qqark)

Error code Error description Recommended handling
225001 appid cannot be empty Pass in the corresponding parameter
225002 openid cannot be empty Pass in the corresponding parameter
225003 fopenid cannot be empty Pass in the corresponding parameter
225004 accesstoken cannot be empty Pass in the corresponding parameter
225005 extraJSON cannot be empty Pass in the corresponding parameter
225006 extraJSON does not meet the requirements; see msg parsing
225007 Failed to verify friendship
225008 Non-friend relationship cannot send messages
225009 appid+app+scene scene does not exist; there is no configuration or the configuration does not take effect; the Oasis configuration takes about ten minutes to take effect; if it does not take effect in ten minutes, please contact GameAccessHelper
225010 ark message grouping failure Contact GameAccessHelper
220028 Exceed the frequency limit The receiver can receive up to 5 pieces of messages per day and up to 3 pieces of messages per day from the same person; the sender can send up to 30 pieces of messages per day and 100 pieces of messages per week

8 Mobile QQ blue diamond gift big error codes

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-10002 Account does not exit (OpenId->QQ conversion failure) Try again
-20001 System error Try again
-20002 Internal interface return error Try again
-1 Incoming parameter error Check the correctness of input parameters
-2 Signature error Check the correctness of input parameters
-3 Invalid ip access Try again
-4 Timestamp expires Try again
-5 Not in the opening time Try again
-6 System is unavailable (possibly attributed to temporary maintenance due to special reasons; shut down after confirmation by all parties) Try again
-7 Go beyond the maximum call times (frequency limitation) Try again

Try again, If the problem is still there, please contact MSDK Customer Service \ to provide technical support.

9 OIDB unified return error codes

If msdk error code is -15000~19999, it means an error in calling oidb. At this time, check ret in msg error description, and determine the specific reasons for the oidb error according to ret value,
For example: ret:-103 msg:oidb decode0x73a failed, ret:17. At this time, find the corresponding reason in the icon below according to ret:17.

9.1 OIDB unified return error codes

hexadecimal signed decimal unsigned decimal error description
0xff -1 255 there are two situations: 1. OIDB addressing failure 2. the backend thinks uin is a reserved number or exceeds the current maximum uin, namely, uin from the business department fails to be generated
0xfe -2 254 db where uin is located is in the maintenance state, so it can't provide services temporarily
0xfd -3 253 uin is an interactive number. This command prohibits any operation to the interactive number
0x9b -101 155 Failure in sending messages to the backend server (usually IP/port configuration error)
0x9a -102 154 Indicate too long time in execution of this command or timeout due to network reasons
0x99 -103 153 The interface call has exceeded the upper limit of the applied frequency, and frequency adjustment should be applied for in the form
0x98 -104 152 The test system is not accessed with the test number. Please add the test number here on your own at or apply for the test number at
0x97 -105 151 Login state validation failure
0x96 -106 150 The business has not applied for permissions. Check them by referring to
0x95 -107 149 uin black list limitation
0x94 -108 148 ip black list limitation
0x93 -109 147 Oversized request packet
0x92 -110 146 OPEN service has no permissions. Please refer to to apply for "Open" access permissions
0x91 -111 145 Unpacking error
0x70 -144 112 The backend system's return packet: uin is frozen
0x71 -143 113 The backend system's return packet: employee account protection system number
0x73 -141 115 The backend system's return packet: advanced protection system number
0x71 -140 116 accesstoken is illegal. Check if the incoming accesstoken is correct
0xc9 -55 201 The backend system's return packet: the group server is carrying out operation maintenance, and the device is set as "Read Only"
0xca -54 202 The backend system's return packet: receive packet of unknown type
0xcb -53 203 The backend system's return packet: request packet field error, for example, the filled group number goes beyond the group server's service scope
0xcc -52 204 The backend system's return packet: the group is suspended by the security center
0xec -20 236 Failure in addressing the backend server (the common reason is that the command word is not configured with any addressing means)
0xfb -5 251 Visit the numbers of Type B users
0xfc -4 252 Visit the numbers of Type BC users
0xcd -51 205 The test environment access frequency exceeds the limit value (please try again later)
0xc1 -63 193 Fail to configure the command(ProtoBuf command fails to be configured in most cases)
0x5 5 5 Fail to configure the command (the command word fails to be configured to OIDB backend in most cases. Refer to for self-help configuration
0xfa -6 250 In the test environment, it is not allowed to access this command. Please apply for the formal environment's permissions
0xf9 -7 249 The test environment is not configured with the test transfer of packets. This command prohibits transferring any packet to the formal environment

9.2 Error codes returned by PayToken verification(0x73a)of mobile QQ login interface

hexadecimal signed decimal unsigned decimal error description
0x0 0 0 succeed
0x10 16 16 pay token expires (the user rescinds authorization or the token is recovered for expiration)
0x11 17 17 pay token has expired
0x12 18 18 pay token has been annulled (the generation of new paytoken leads to the annulment of the old one)
0x13 19 19 mismatching between appid and token
0x14 20 20 openid length is incorrect (the length should be 16, in the binary buffer format)
0x15 21 21 openid is invalid
0x16 22 22 openid is recycled
0x17 23 23 The verification of openid returns others failures (contact the responsible person to find the specific causes)
0x18 24 24 mismatching between openid and token
0x1b 27 27 appid is invalid
0x5e 94 94 pay token is invalid(decryption failure)
0x65 101 101 user-modified token expires

9.3 Error codes returned by accessToken verification(0x711)of mobile QQ login interface

Error code Error description
0x00: succeed
0x01: Failure (system internal error)
0x10~0x11: Appid is invalid
0x12: Failure in reading the third-party information
0x13~0x14 System internal error
0x20 openid is invalid
0x21 openkey is invalid
0x22 Mismatcing between openid and openkey
0x23 openkey has expired
0x24~0x25 System internal error
0x26 Failure in verifying the signature
0x27 openid is recovered
0x2a Failure in reading udc(openid is recovered or other failure reasons)
0x2e openid is invalid (Kaixin id)
0x32~0x36 openid is invalid (service type 127 returned)
0x37~0x38 openid recovered(service type 127 returned)
0x40 access token is invalid
0x41 access token has expired
0x42 access token has been annulled
0x43 session key is invalid
0x45 mismatching between access token and openid
0x46 session key length is incorrect
0x47 The modfied password of access token expires
0x53 openid is recovered
0x54 The number of converted openid is incorrect (service type 23 returned)
0x55 Converted openid is invalid(service type 23 returned)

10 Get Xinyue Super R player’s memebership ID error code

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-1 Internal error Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
-1001 Invalid input parameter or missing the required fields Check if the parameters are correct according to the parameter list
-1002 Request overloaded Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
-1003 db operation failure Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
-1004 Failed to verify the login status Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it

11 Get Xinyue Wechat platform player membership ID error code

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-105 Account does not exist or account is not valid Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
-109 Internal redis error; failed to get information Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
-400 User validity error Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
10 redis does not have this account information Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
100 Expired user Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
101 Blacklist user Report this to MSDK and contact Xinyue service staff to handle it
102 Whitelist user

12 Apple Login error code

Error code Error description Recommended handling
-3003 CLIENT_SECRET configuration error Check the accuracy of "MSDKV3 Apple Channel Configuration" of Flying system
-3006 Illegal body parameter Check the accuracy of body parameters
-3008 Non-200 error Check whether the BundleId is consistent with the Flying system
-3011 Failed to read token Check whether the MSDK environment of the client and the server are consistent
-3015 Token verification failed Check whether the MSDK environment of the client and the server are consistent