General description
1)msdk backend provides http/https interface protocol and post request;
2)In the request url, there are fixed get parameters, including appid, sig, timestamp, encode, etc.;
3)body part is json string;
4)All parameters in the interface are utf8 encoding;
5)The background interface timeout period is 3100ms;
1. Environment
Environment | intranet | extranet | |
Test | | (Android) (iOS) |
Formal | | (Android) (ios) |
1)Fixed get parameters:
modulename: function classification;
interfacename: interface name;
Pay attention to each interface's detailed description;
Parameter name | Type | Description |
timestamp | uint | timestamp 【required】 |
appid | string | game appid (Mobile QQ or WeChat) 【required】 |
sig | string | lowercase string with a length of 32 characters; for the algorithm, see sig generation rules; 【Required】 |
openid | string | User account, defaulted to null |
encode | string | generate sig configuration item encode=2, and use msdkkey to generate sig (encode=1, use appkey to generate sig, not recommended in current version); 【Required】 |
conn | int | indicate whether to use a long connection or not; conn=1 indicates long connection, and the default value is 0; |
msdkExtInfo | string | indicate passthrough parameter, which will be carried in the returned json. Note: no special character in msdkExtInfo, which shall be only composed of English letters, figures and underlines, and is defaulted to null; |
version | string | indicate the carried MSDK version, and the default value is null (carried at the client's call); |
ishttps | int | the strategy for being compatible with https, 1: the returned body parameter url request is https, 0 or null: the returned body parameter url request is http; |
2)http body(post)
body is text string in json format, and it is defaulted to plain text. If the http header is set as the value below, it indicates cryptograph (including returned packet):
3)sig generation rule
If encode=1 : sig = md5 ( appkey + timestamp )
If encode=2 :sig = md5 ( msdkkey+ timestamp )
+ indicates the connection of two strings, non-string"+";
4) https compatibility
At present, MSDK's returned avatar link supports https, and the two mode are optional: carry version=2.16.0i(or above) or ishttps=1 (recommended) in the GET request
After sending data through http protocol, get the status code. If the value is 200, it implies the request is normal, that is, the content returned from http can be got, and json string can be parsed into array. If the value is not 200, it indicates request failure. Then, directly print the result to check the problem.
4. Example (php)
require_once 'SnsNetwork.php';
$appid = "100703379";
$appKey = "f92212f75cd*********";
$openid = "F4382318AFBBD94F856E8%2066043C3472E";
$ts = time();
//md5 32-bit lower case, for example, md5 of "111111" is "96e79218965e*********d5a330112";
$sig = md5($appKey.$ts);
$url= "$ts&appid=$appid&sig=$sig&openid=$openid&encode=1";
$param = array(
"appid"=> 100703379,
$result = SnsNetwork::makeRequest($url,json_encode($param));
Caution: All login interfaces' function classification names auth and wxoauth are of the same effect, and they can be interchanged;
General login workflow:
Server-side authentication part is login's key path, and the game needs the game's backend to complete it;
Mobile QQ authentication[Required]
1) interface name:/auth/verify_login
2) Interface description: verify the user's login state, and check if the access_token expires. If url carries msdkExtInfo=xxx(request serial number), the raw data of msdkExtInfo can be returned in the subsequent content, so as to realize the pure exception request. msdkExtInfo is an optional parameter.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | int | App's unique ID in the QQ open platform |
openid | string | An ordinary user's unique identifier(QQ platform) |
openkey | string | Authorization certificate, namely, access_token |
userip | string | The user's client ip |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /auth/verify_login?timestamp=1478745715&appid=100703379&sig=3f046b1cdd74e44f2832c1000e11119f&openid=A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": 100703379,
"openid": "A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37",
"openkey": "933FE8C9AB9C585D7EABD04373B7155F",
"userip": ""
//return result:
{"ret":0,"msg":"user is logged in"}
WeChat authentication[Required]
1) interface name:/auth/check_token
2) Interface description: WeChat checks if the authorization certificate (access_token) is effective.
If url carries msdkExtInfo=xxx(request serial number), the raw data of msdkExtInfo can be returned in the subsequent content, so as to realize the pure exception request. msdkExtInfo is an optional parameter.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
openid | string | The user's unique ID in the game |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /auth/check_token?timestamp=1478745715&appid=100703379&sig=3f046b1cdd74e44f2832c1000e11119f&openid=oGRTijiaT-XrbyXKozckdNHFgPyc&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJPLafWudG-idTVMbKesBkhBO_ZxFWN4zlXCpCHpYcrXNG6Vs-cocorhdT5Czj_23QF6D1qH8MCldg0BSMdEUnsaWcFH083zgWJcl_goeBUSQ",
"openid": "oGRTijiaT-XrbyXKozckdNHFgPyc"
//return result
Guest authentication[Required]
1) interface name:/auth/guest_check_token
2) Interface description: In the guest mode, call this interface for authentication.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
guestid | string | A guest's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /auth/guest_check_token?timestamp=1478745715&appid=G_100703379&sig=3f046b1cdd74e44f2832c1000e11119f&openid=G_oGRTijiaT-XrbyXKozckdNHFgPyc&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJPLafWudG-idTVMbKesBkhBO_ZxFWN4zlXCpCHpYcrXNG6Vs-cocorhdT5Czj_23QF6D1qH8MCldg0BSMdEUnsaWcFH083zgWJcl_goeBUSQ",
"guestid": "G_oGRTijiaT-XrbyXKozckdNHFgPyc"
//return result
Apple authentication[Required]
1)interface name:/auth/apple_verify
2)Interface description:verify the user's login state, and check if the access_token expires.
3)URL Format:
4)Parameter description:
Parameter name | Parameter name | Description |
appid | string | The unique identifier of APP, fill it in as A_QQappid, such as: A_100703379 [Required] |
channel | string | Public parameters, generally fill in 1001 |
deviceInfo | object | Public parameters |
os | string | System, ios fill in iap |
platform | string | Platform, fixed as apple_apple [Required] |
user_name | string | username |
openid | string | The unique ID of the user [Required] |
access_token | string | Login access_token [Required] |
scenes | int | Login scene, fixed to 1 |
isPrajna | string | Real-name related parameters, fixed to 1 |
5)Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
POST /auth/apple_verify/?timestamp=xx&appid=xx&sig=xx&openid=xx&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
//return result
Get pf and pfkey
1) interface name:/auth/get_pfval
2) Interface description: Get pf and pfkey values by passing in parameters.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | unique identifier of the game |
openid | string | the user's unique identifier |
accessToken | string | login state (QQ uses paytoken; WeChat uses accesstoken) |
platform | string | platform identifier (under normal circumstances: QQ's corresponding value is desktop_m_qq, WeChat's corresponding value is desktop_m_wx, and Guest's corresponding value is desktop_m_guest) |
regChannel | string | Registration channel |
os | string | System (Android corresponds to android, and iOS corresponds to iap) |
installchannel | string | installation channel |
offerid | string | payment's appid |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
pf | string | corresponding pf value |
pfKey | string | corresponding pfKey value |
6) Example:
POST /auth/get_pfval/?timestamp=1491527653&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=161bb45ba800811d1220ab24acfbc83b&version=3.0.0a&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
//return result
"pf": "desktop_m_wx-2002-android-73213123-wx-wxcde873f99466f74a-oyQmcwlfqLdebciSJTiGy8Bm5N40",
"pfKey": "60de2c996**********9a81f8ccb0",
"msg": "ok",
"ret": 0
Relation chain
[Mobile QQ]User information
1) interface name:/relation/qqprofile
2) Interface description: Get user QQ account's basic information.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | The user's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
nickName | string | The user's nickname in QZone (sync with mobile QQ nickname) |
gender | string | gender; QQ platform will return "male" by default from October 27, 2021 to January 1, 2022; after January 1, 2022, the platform will not return anything |
picture40 | string | URL of QQ avatar with a size of 40×40 pixels |
picture100 | string | URL of QQ avatar with a size of 100×100 pixels. It is worth noting that not all users have a QQ avatar of 100x100 and they must have an avatar of 40x40 pixels |
yellow_vip | int | Check if the user is Yellow Diamond user, and 0 indicates no Yellow Diamond |
yellow_vip_level | int | Yellow Diamond level |
yellow_year_vip | int | Check if the user is Yellow Diamond user who pays annual membership fees, and 0 indicates no |
is_lost | string | is_lost is 1, indicating the got data is subjected to degrading treatment: if the service layer has cache data, use the cache data at first; If there is no cache data, use the current data. If is_lost is 1, do not cache the data |
6) Example: |
POST /relation/qqprofile/?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": "100703379",
"accessToken": "FCCDE5C8CDAD70A9A0E229C367E03178",
"openid": "69FF99F3B17436F2F6621FA158B30549"
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"nickName": "xxx",
"gender": "Male",//gender; QQ platform will return "male" by default from October 27, 2021 to January 1, 2022; after January 1, 2022, the platform will not return anything
"picture40": "",
"picture100": "",
"yellow_vip": 0,
"yellow_vip_level": 0,
"yellow_year_vip": 0,
"is_lost": "0"
[Mobile QQ]Game friends
1) interface name:/relation/qqfriends_detail
2) Interface description: an interface used to get QQ game friend's detailed personal information.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | The user's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
flag | int | flag=1, return the friend relation chain excluding the user; flag=2, return the friend relation chain including the user. Other values are invalid, and the current logic is used |
closefriends_flag | int | Whether or not to return a close friend; the default value is empty or 0 and means No; 1 represents Yes |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
lists | array | QQ game friend personal information list, type vector |
is_lost | string | is_lost is 0, indicating that the friend data returned by mobile QQ is normal; if it is 1, the obtained data has been downgraded, and the business can evaluate whether to use the data when it is 1 |
extinfo | object | the corresponding data json object |
closefriend_lists | array | The returned data list |
struct QQGameFriendsList {
string openid; //a friend's openid
string nickName; //nickname (output remarks at first; nickname is output if no remarks)
string gender; //gender; QQ platform will return "male" by default from October 27, 2021 to January 1, 2022; after January 1, 2022, the platform will not return anything
string figureurl_qq; //a friend's QQ avatar URL; add the following parameters behind URL; /40, /100 so as to obtain pictures of different specifications, respectively:
6) Example:
POST /relation/qqfriends_detail/?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa852&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E8%2066043C3472E&encode=1
"appid": “100703379”,
"openid": "A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37",
"accessToken": "933FE8C9AB9C585D7EABD04373B7155F",
"flag": 1,
"closefriends_flag": 1
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"lists": [
"openid": "69FF99F3B17436F2F6621FA158B30549",
"nickName": "xxx",
"gender": "",
"figureurl_qq": ""
"closefriend_lists" : [
"is_lost": "0"
[mobile QQ]Friend's info(not register this app)
1) interface name:/relation/qq_unreg_friends
2) Interface description: Get the information of friends not registered the app from the mobile QQ friend list.
Note: Acquiring unregistered friend information is based on the score reporting interface of the game. Those which don’t access the score reporting interface (interface: /profile/qqscore_batch) are not allowed to call the interface
When this interface is called in the game, it will obtain unauthorized user data. It must be modified after the evaluation of the "Personal Information Protection Law". The business that has been connected should be paid attention to, and the business that has not been connected should be suspended.
Platform side transformation plan: Starting from 2021.11.05, calling this interface will return empty data of "no recommended friends", please pay attention to the user interface processing, and hide the ability entry if necessary.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
accessToken | string | login state |
count | int | the number of friends expected to be drawn; not more than 20; it is recommended to use 20 |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
friends | array | friend list; type: vector |
struct QQUnregFriendsList {
string openid; //a friend's openid
string nick_name; //friend's nickname (the returned is QQ nickname, do not return a note)
string head_img_url; //friend's avatar
6) Example:
POST /relation/qq_unreg_friends/?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa852&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E8%2066043C3472E&encode=2
"accessToken": "933FE8C9AB9C585D7EABD04373B7155F",
"count": 20
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"friends": [
"openid": "67063124582BE5086B203F543E4F643C",
"nick_name": "xxx",
"head_img_url": ""
[Mobile QQ]Friends information
1) interface name:/relation/qqstrange_profile
2) Interface description: Get the personal information of game strangers(including game friends), who are other players playing the same game with the player.
PS: 1. This interface is currently only available to games which have developed "Nearby persons" and other functions
2. Only after the game stranger openid list has been got at the client end, can this interface be called
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | The user's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
vcopenid | array | the openid list of game strangers (including game friends) who need to be queried; for example: vcopenid:["${openid}","${openid1}"] |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
list | array | the personal information list of QQ game strangers(including game friends); type: vector< QQStrangeList> |
is_lost | string | is_lost is 0, indicating that the friend data returned by mobile QQ is normal; if it is 1, the obtained data has been downgraded, and the business can evaluate whether to use the data when it is 1 |
struct QQStrangeList {
string openid; //openid
string gender; //gender; QQ platform will return "male" by default from October 27, 2021 to January 1, 2022; after January 1, 2022, the platform will not return anything
string nickName; //nickname
string qzonepicture50; //URL of the friend's Qzone avatar with a szie of 50×50 pixels
string qqpicture40; //URL of the friend's QQ avatar with a size of 40×40 pixels
string qqpicture100; //URL of the friend's QQ avatar with a size of 100×100 pixels
string qqpicture; //URL of the friend's QQ avatar with a size of adaptive pixels; add the following parameters behind URL: /40, /100, so as to obtain pictures of different specifications:40*40(/40)、100*100(/100)
6) Example:
POST /relation/qqstrange_profile/?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa***&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E8%2066043C3472E&encode=1
"appid": 100732256,
"openid": "B9EEA5EE1E99694146AC2700BFE6B88B",
"accessToken": "C9A1F622B7B4AAC48D0AF3F73B1A3D83",
"vcopenid": [
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"lists": [
"openid": "B9EEA5EE1E99694146AC2700BFE6B88B",
"gender": "1",
"nickName": "/xu゛♥Get into the bowlஇ",
"qzonepicture50": "",
"qqpicture40": "",
"qqpicture100": "",
"qqpicture": ""
"is_lost": "0"
[Mobile QQ]Member information
1) interface name:/relation/qqfriends_vip
2) Interface description: query QQ member information in batch (support both friends and non-friends).
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | The user's unique identification |
fopenids | array | the list of openid to be queried; not more than 49 pieces can be input each time |
flags | string | VIP service query marker. Currently, it supports to query QQ member information:qq_vip, QQ super member: qq_svip. It will support more services' user VIP information query in the future. If several types of VIP services need to be queried, they should be separated with ",". |
userip | string | the caller's ip information |
pf | string | The player's login platform; openmobile by default; possible values include openmobile_android/openmobile_ios/openmobile_wp, etc. The value comes from the return of the cliend-end mobile QQ login |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
lists | array | including: openid(string)user id is_qq_vip(int) is QQ member?(0: Yes; 1: No) qq_vip_level(int)QQ member level(return when the user is QQ member) is_qq_year_vip(int)QQ member who pays annual membership fees (0: No; 1: Yes) is_qq_svip(int)QQ super member? (0: No; 1: Yes) |
is_lost | string | when is_lost is 1, it indicates that oidb gets data beyond the time limit. It is suggested that when the game service detects is_lost is 1, the data shall be subjected to degrade treatment, and cache data or default data should be directly read |
6) Example:
POST /relation/qqfriends_vip?timestamp=1478745715&appid=100703379&sig=3f046b1cdd74e44f2832c1000e11119f&openid=A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": "100703379",
"openid": "A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37",
"accessToken": "964EE8FACFA24AE88AEEEEBD84028E19",
"fopenids": [
"flags": "qq_vip,qq_svip",
"pf": "openmobile_android",
"userip": ""
//return result
"is_lost": "0",
"lists": [
"is_qq_vip": 1,
"is_qq_year_vip": 1,
"openid": "69FF99F3B17436F2F6621FA158B30549",
"qq_vip_level": 6,
"is_qq_svip": 1
"msg": "success",
"ret": 0
[Mobile QQ]Member's detailed info
1) interface name:/relation/get_vip_rich_info
2) Interface description: query mobile QQ member's detailed information (recharge time & expiration time)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
is_lost | string | Check if there is data loss. If the application does not use cache, there is no need to care about this parameter. 0 or no return: no data loss, cache is an option. 1: partial data loss or error, no caching. |
is_qq_vip | string | Mark if the play is a QQ member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
qq_vip_start | string | QQ member's last recharge time, standard timestamp |
qq_vip_end | string | QQ member duration, standard timestamp |
qq_year_vip_start | string | QQ annual fee member's last recharge time, standard timestamp |
qq_year_vip_end | string | QQ annual fee member's duration, standard timestamp |
qq_svip_start | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description; QQ SVIP's last recharge time, standard time stamp |
qq_svip_end | string | QQ SVIP duration, standard timestamp |
is_qq_year_vip | string | Mark if the play is a QQ annual fee member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
is_svip | string | Mark if the play is a QQ super member (0: No; 1: Yes) |
6) Example:
POST /relation/get_vip_rich_info?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 134
"appid": "100703379",
"accessToken": "E16A9965C446956D89303747C632C27B",
"openid": "F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E"
//return result
"is_lost": "0",
"is_qq_vip": "0",
"msg": "success",
"qq_svip_end": "0",
"qq_svip_start": "0",
"qq_vip_end": "1448817920",
"qq_vip_start": "1443461120",
"qq_year_vip_end": "0",
"qq_year_vip_start": "0",
"ret": 0,
[Mobile QQ]guild binding group
1) interface name:/relation/createbind_groupv2
2) Interface description: guild president creates and directly binds QQ group interface (new) (need to apply for permission for using it)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | guild ID |
zone_id | string | zone server id |
guild_name | string | guild or guild name |
platid | string | platform id (1: Android 2: ios) |
roleid | string | Role id |
partition | string | (zone)zone server id, which may be left blank, and no use for now |
user_zone_id | string | (new; allow to be left blank) the user's zone server ID; the president of the King of Glory guild may transfer it to a person who doesn't belong to this zone server, so the guild's zone server is not necessarily the user's zone server. if the ID is the same as that of the guild zone server, it can be left blank |
user_label | string | (new; allow to be left blank) add the function of modifying the group's business card; being totally blank means not to modify the group's business card; being not blank means to modify it; style rule: 【YYYY】ZZZZ, where ZZZZ refers to the user's nickname within the game |
nick_name | string | (new; allow to be left blank) the user's nickname |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
areaid | string | used by the test environment: game zone ID; in theory, only 1: QQ, 2: WeChat, but the test environment has a lot of virtual platforms |
ip | string | (new; allow to be left blank) used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
port | string | (new; allow to be left blank)used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | gc(string),new group number group_name(string), group name |
6) Example:
POST /relation/createbind_groupv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 205
"guild_name":"Test the group's functions",
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"gc": "514915385",
"group_name": "Test Chinese 1"
[Mobile QQ]Group relation query
1) interface name:/relation/get_groupinfov2
2) Interface description: After the guild has been bound to a group, the interface is called to query the relations between the user and the group; it can return the relationship (group leader, administrator, ordinary member, non-member) between the user and the group (new) (need to apply for permission before using it)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
gc | string | group number |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | relation(int), the relationship between the user and the group; 1: group leader, 2: administrator, 3: ordinary member, 4: non-member |
6) Example:
POST /relation/get_groupinfov2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 98
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"relation": 1
[Mobile QQ] join a group
1) interface name:/relation/join_groupv2
2) Interface description: an interface for in-game guild members to join the QQ group. Before calling this interface, first call /relation/get_groupinfov2 interface to check whether the user is a member of the group. If the user is a non-group member, the group-adding button will be displayed (new) (need to apply for permission before using it)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | guild ID |
zone_id | string | zone server id |
gc | string | group number |
platid | string | platform id (1: Android 2: ios) |
roleid | string | Role id |
partition | string | (zone)zone server id, which may be left blank, and no use for now |
user_zone_id | string | (new; allow to be left blank) the user's zone server ID; the president of the King of Glory guild may transfer it to a person who doesn't belong to this zone server, so the guild's zone server is not necessarily the user's zone server. if the ID is the same as that of the guild zone server, it can be left blank |
user_label | string | (new; allow to be left blank) add the function of modifying the group's business card; being totally blank means not to modify the group's business card; being not blank means to modify it; style rule: 【YYYY】ZZZZ, where ZZZZ refers to the user's nickname within the game |
nick_name | string | (new; allow to be left blank) the user's nickname |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
areaid | string | used by the test environment: game zone ID; in theory, only 1: QQ, 2: WeChat, but the test environment has a lot of virtual platforms |
ip | string | (new; allow to be left blank) used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
port | string | (new; allow to be left blank)used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | empty(string), reserved |
6) Example:
POST /relation/join_groupv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 205
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"empty": ""
[Mobile QQ]unbind a group
1) interface name:/relation/unlink_groupv2
2) Interface description: an interface used to unbind a guild with a QQ group in the game. When the user disbands the guild's QQ group, the guild and the guild's QQ group will not be automatically unbound (new) (need to apply for permission before using it)
PS:If a QQ group is disbanded, there are two ways to cancel its binding relations:
1. The president calls the unbinding interface to unbind the group's relations
2. When a guild member calls the group-joining interface, the group ID can't be queried at this time and unbinding is performed by default
When a QQ group is disbanded without performing any of the above operations, the binding relationship does not disappear automatically
3. After the guild leader transfers it, the new guild leader can also perform the unbinding operation
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | union ID |
zone_id | string | zone server id |
platid | string | platform id (1: Android 2: ios); it can't be null |
roleid | string | role id; it can't be null |
guild_name | string | guild or guild name |
user_zone_id | string | (new; allow to be left blank) the user's zone server ID; the president of thethe King of Glory guild may transfer it to a person who doesn't belong to this zone server, so the guild's zone server is not necessarily the user's zone server. if the ID is the same as that of the guild zone server, it can be left blank |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
areaid | string | used by the test environment: game zone ID; in theory, only 1: QQ, 2: WeChat, but the test environment has a lot of virtual platforms |
ip | string | (new; allow to be left blank) used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
port | string | (new; allow to be left blank)used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | empty (string), reserved field |
6) Example:
POST /relation/unlink_groupv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
"guild_name":"Test Chinese 1",
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"empty": ""
[mobile QQ]Interface used to get QQ group list
1) interface name:/relation/get_group_listv2
2) Interface description: the interface is used to get the created group list when the guild president binds the guild to the QQ groups that he has created.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | Object | information returned by json |
group_list | array | list of groups created by me |
gc | string | group number |
group_name | string | group name |
6) Example:
POST /relation/get_group_listv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"group_list": [
{"gc": "","group_name": ""}
[mobile QQ] Interface used to bind the created QQ groups
1) interface name:/relation/bind_existing_groupv2
2) Interface description: this interface is used for the guild president to bind the guild to the QQ groups that he has created; call /relation/get_group_listv2 interface to get the list of created groups before calling this interface
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | union ID |
zone_id | string | zone server id |
gc | string | group number |
group_name | string | group name |
platid | string | Platform id |
roleid | string | Role id |
user_zone_id | string | the user's zone server ID; the president of the King of Glory guild may transfer it to a person of non-zone server, so the guild's zone server is not necessarily the user's zone server. Like the guild zone server, the ID can be left blank |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
areaid | string | used by the test environment: game zone ID; in theory, only 1: QQ, 2: WeChat, but the test environment has a lot of virtual platforms |
ip | string | (new; allow to be left blank) used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
port | string | (new; allow to be left blank)used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | empty (string), reserved |
6) Example:
POST /relation/bind_existing_groupv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"empty": ""
[mobile QQ]Interface used to remind the president to bind his guild to a group
1) interface name:/relation/remind_leader_bindv2
2) Interface description: When a guild is not bound to a group, members can remind the guild president to bind the group through the interface; bind the guild to the QQ group that I have created, and receive notifications through the official account "QQ mobile game"; the frequency is to receive only one piece a day; the reminder and the reminded person must be guild members, and the game side guaranteed that the reminded person is the guild president
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | union ID |
zone_id | string | zone server id |
platid | string | Platform id |
roleid | string | Role id |
rolename | string | role name, used for message text |
user_zone_id | string | the user's zone server ID; the president of the King of Glory guild may transfer it to a person of non-zone server, so the guild's zone server is not necessarily the user's zone server. Like the guild zone server, the ID can be left blank |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
leaderOpenid | string | the guild president's openId |
leaderRoleid | string | the guild president's roleid |
leaderZoneid | string | the president's zone server information; the president can transfer it to a person who doesn't belong to this zone server; if the ID is the same as that of the guild zone server, it can be left blank |
areaid | string | used by the test environment: game zone ID; in theory, only 1: QQ, 2: WeChat, but the test environment has a lot of virtual platforms |
ip | string | (new; allow to be left blank) used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
port | string | (new; allow to be left blank)used by the test environment: the address of the game idip, because each game is not the same, it is passed over to facilitate handling |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | Object | Object returned |
6) Example:
POST /relation/remind_leader_bindv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"empty": ""
[mobile QQ] Query the group-bound union
1) interface name:/relation/query_bind_unionv2
2) Interface description: Query the information of the guild bound to a group based on the group's ID
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
gc | string | group number |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
5)Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | Object | The returned json data |
union_id | string | guild/team/event ID |
union_name | string | guild/team/event name |
6) Example:
POST /relation/query_bind_unionv2?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"union_id": "xxx",
"union_name": "xxx"
[mobile QQ]Get the group information (the interface is a V2 interface)
1) interface name:/relation/get_groupcode
2) Interface description: If the group number of the QQ group can be gotten through guild ID, the group is bound; if no guild name is entered when creating a group, the group name obtained at this time is empty.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
guild_id | string | guild ID |
zone_id | string | zone ID, which is the guild's zone server ID here |
type | string | Group type, defaulted to 0 (union type); when multiple types of union groups need to be created in the game, contact the QQ side to arrange schedule and to provide specific values. |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | Object | The returned json data |
gc | string | group number |
group_name | string | group name |
group_key | string | group_key of the QQ group bound with the game guild ID |
group_openid | string | group_openid of the QQ group bound with the game guild ID |
6) Example:
POST /relation/get_groupcode?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"gc": "xxx",
"group_name": "xxx",
"group_key": "xxx",
"group_openid": "xxx"
[Mobile QQ]send group message
1) interface name:/relation/send_groupmsg
2) Interface description: the interface is used to push the group's obj message (when using the interface, you need to apply for permissions. When applying for permissions, you should provide the callback address to the mobile QQ side for configuration. If the callback address is empty, you can't apply for permissions.)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | Application's unique id at the platform |
openid | string | user's unique identification at a given application |
accessToken | string | user's login proof in the application |
pf | string | an application's source platform (fill qquin if you don't know the platform) |
group_openid | string | share the designated group's key (group openid) |
title | string | message title, maximum length of 45 bytes |
desc | string | message abstract, maximum length of 60 bytes |
image_url | string | thumbnail URL on the left side of message |
redirect_url | string | Callback URL (callback URL configured when the third party application is put on shelf; it is not allowed to fill in other domain name address) |
param | string | input parameter of redirect_url; the third party can skip to different details page according to this parameter (by default, it can pass null "") |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
is_lost | indicate if there is any data loss or not; 1 indicates data loss and 0 indicates data integrity |
6) Example:
POST /relation/send_groupmsg?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 132
//return result
"ret": 0,
"message": "success",
"is_lost": "1"
[WeChat] Friend's openid
1) interface name:/relation/wxfriends
2) Interface description: Get the openid list of WeChat game friends. After getting the list, use /relation/wxprofile interface to query the basic information of friends in batch.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
openid | string | user's unique identification at a given application |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
openids | vector |
friend list |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxfriends/?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=**&openid=**&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"openid": "oGRTijiaT-XrbyXKozckdNHFgPyc",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJPLafWudG-idTVMbKesBkhaKJhRmjhioMlDM_zBq_SxfYO2jdJKzAR6DSHL5-02O6oATRKHf57K-teO6bPsB1RHjH5Z0I1TzMn4DllSYrf3Q"
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"openids": ["oy6-ljtb1PKnNtRKlouJAj952hlg", "oy6-ljrzoW6jjxS2jI2LHZvGdsqA", "oy6-ljqJeurpVex1kyRAZl5blq3U", "oy6-ljoHSdnupQFMgHNTWoqSXXVg", "oy6-ljl-aYH1tl3L2clpVhhVXHtY"]
[WeChat] game friends' info(only for premium games, no remarks)
1) interface name:/relation/wxprofile
2) Interface description: Get the basic info of game friends of WeChat account; no remarks; strangers' information can't be gotten
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
openids | vector |
the list of openid accounts that need to be gotten (If you want to get the current login user's WoCard information, please place the user's openid at the first place, because only the openid at the first place can get WoCard information, and the subsequent openids are unable to get WoCard information) |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
lists | information list vector<WXInfo> type |
privilege | User privilege information , json array, such as WeChat WoCard user is (chinaunicom) only return the corresponding WoCard information of the first openid, and later openid can't get WoCard information |
struct WXInfo {
string nickName; //only return nickname
int sex; //gender: gender 1 male 2 female; null is defaulted as 0
string picture; //the user's avatar URL; it is required to add the following parameters /0, /132, /96, /64 after URL, so as to obtain pictures of different specifications: original pictures (/0), 132*132(/132), 96*96(/96), 64*64(/64), 46*46(/46)
string provice; //province
string city; //city
string openid; //user ID
string country //country
string language //language
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxprofile/?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2Ccq_dcbciAvC8frI3gYk5d2p6pDFy-bOqyPTNysUxOQg",
"openids": ["oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0", "oGRTijlTxQPrvr-H5-pgoZMhZgog"]
//return result
"country": "CN",
"language": "zh_CN",
"lists": [
"city": "Shenzhen",
"nickName": "Hante",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"picture": "",
"provice": "",
"sex": 1
"city": "Zhongshan",
"nickName": "WeGame Test",
"openid": "oGRTijlTxQPrvr-H5-pgoZMhZgog",
"picture": "",
"provice": "",
"sex": 2
"msg": "success",
"privilege": [],
"ret": 0
[WeChat] In-game friend information (with remarks)
1) Interface name: /relation/wxfriends_profile
2) Interface description: Get the basic information of WeChat individuals and in-game friends
3) URL format:
4) Description of input parameters:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | Unique ID of the game |
openid | string | User's unique identifier |
accessToken | string | Login status |
closefriends_flag | int | Whether to return intimate friends. The default value is null or 0, meaning NO; 1 means YES |
5) Return description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code 0: success, others: failure |
msg | string | When ret is not 0, it means "error code, error prompt"; please refer to the description of error codes for detailed comments |
lists | vector | WeChat in-game friend's personal information list, type |
privilege | array | The user's privilege information, which is a json array; for example, WeChat Woka user is (chinaunicom) Only the Woka information corresponding to the first `openid` is returned, and the Woka information corresponding to subsequent `openid` cannot be obtained |
country | string | Country; the platform fixedly returns an empty string |
language | string | Language |
extinfo | object | The corresponding data json object |
closefriend_lists | array | The returned data list |
struct WXInfo {
string nickName; //nickname (by default, this field gives priority to the use of the friend remark. If there is no remark, the friend nickname will be used.This field will be controlled at any time according to the policy. If there is a clear need to use the remark, please be sure to use the `friendRemark` field to obtain the remark)
string picture; //The user's avatar URL; the URL must be appended with the following parameters/0,/132,/96,/64 to obtain images of different specifications respectively: original image (/0), 132*132(/132), 96*96(/96), 64*64(/64), 46*46(/46)
string provice; //Province (the platform returns an empty string in a fixed way)
string openid; //the user's ID
string friendRemark; //friend remark (This field exists only when the permission is normal and WeChat returns remark normally;This field was added in September 2022 and is not returned by default. If your app needs to use it, you need to contact MSDK to configure it for your app)
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxfriends_profile/?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0&encode=2
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu76pqG7N3Mh6ZI79VLoFSM7wdVpS4bz61Vg",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"closefriends_flag": 1
//Return result
"country": "",
"language": "",
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"lists": [{
"nickName": "ufo",
"picture": "http:\/\/\/mmhead\/LwcbhAmMnZBAqZyUkv1z3qJibczZRdrZRkTgcNnqKqovicmDxLmyffdQ",
"provice": "",
"openid": "oy6-ljl-aYH1tl3L2clpVhhVXHtY",
"friendRemark": "Tutu"
"nickName": "Lewis",
"picture": "http:\/\/\/mmhead\/zreQPiaCicYfReYeU0sicsc92cfBdMejRFsicXK1fZibP7aM",
"provice": "",
"openid": "oy6-ljoHSdnupQFMgHNTWoqSXXVg",
"friendRemark": "zhuzhu"
"privilege": [],
[WeChat]Personal information (for non-premium services)
1) interface name:/relation/wxuserinfo
2) Interface description: Get WeChat personal information and provide it to "non-premium services"
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
openid | string | user's unique identification at a given application |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
nickname | string | nickname |
picture | string | user avatar URL; it is required to add the following parameters /0, /132, /96, /64 after URL to obtain pictures of different specifications: original pictures(/0), 132132(/132), 9696(/96), 6464(/64), 4646(/46) |
province | string | province; Platform fixed return empty string |
city | string | city; Platform fixed return empty string |
country | string | Country; Platform fixed return empty string |
sex | string | gender; Platform fixed return 0, 0 means unknown |
unionid | string | the user's unified marker. For applications under one WeChat open platform account, the same user's unionid is unique |
privilege | array | User privilege information , json array, such as WeChat WoCard user is (chinaunicom) only return the corresponding WoCard information of the first openid, and later openid can't get WoCard information |
language | string | language (may be null) |
gpsCity | string | City acquired through GPS |
openid | string | user's unique identification in app |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxuserinfo/?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2C-TqXCXdT-DZ44iKkidglb5Q9jQbXnMPrSTck_DUdGMg"
//return result
"city": "",
"country": "",
"msg": "success",
"nickname": "xxx",
"picture": "",
"privilege": [],
"province": "",
"ret": 0,
"sex": "0",
"unionid": "o1A_BjhwQHB2BUyasZ_Lb2rkkOpE"
[WeChat] Query group member's information
1) interface name:/relation/wxget_groupinfo
2) Interface description: When a guild has been bound with a group, call the interface to query the relationship information of the user and the group; the interface can return information about whether the user is a group member
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
groupid | string | guild id |
openidlist | string | guild member's openid, separated with commas; need to verify if the guild member is a group member |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
message | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
platCode | string | a parameter returned by WeChat platform; when ret isn't 0, pay attention to it |
openidlist | string | the member list of the existing group, separated with commas. Non-existed openid is not returned |
membercount | int | the number of group members |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxget_groupinfo?timestamp=1507881410&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=b98ea62991568a72b09f7e2675014a6d&openid=oGRTijuUl6Peo6lybWyGQfNC9_WE&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 98
"groupid": "110",
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijuUl6Peo6lybWyGQfNC9_WE",
"openidlist": "oGRTijuUl6Peo6lybWyGQfNC9_WE"
//return result
{ "membercount":2,
[WeChat]unbind a group
1) interface name:/relation/wxunlink_group
2) Interface description: WeChat unbinds a group
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
groupid | string | guild id |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxunlink_group?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJhKgRRgn5ztwrcCr1jwFWMow9ZDDD69U1GlL6tPS4GLX4nk6rIKoCEMz5ScKJ6bFmn0uT_eu0yhklQxkkhxjQS8v-ul7-ZEVHQleIchtSTyg",
"groupid" : "2147521896"
//return result
"ret": 0,
[WeChat]query the group state
1) interface name:/relation/wxget_groupstatus
2) Interface description: Query group status
3)URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
groupid | string | guild id |
op_type | int | 0: query whether or not to create a group; 1: query whether or not to join a group |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
is_has | int | only when ret is 0 does it indicate the correct value; 0 indicates the guild has created or joined no group, 1 indicates the guild has created or joined a group |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxget_groupstatus?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJhKgRRgn5ztwrcCr1jwFWMow9ZDDD69U1GlL6tPS4GLX4nk6rIKoCEMz5ScKJ6bFmn0uT_eu0yhklQxkkhxjQS8v-ul7-ZEVHQleIchtSTyg",
"groupid": "2147521896",
"op_type": 0
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"is_has": 0
[WeChat] Send group messages
1) interface name:/relation/wxsend_groupmsg
2) Interface description: send the group's messages
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
accessToken | string | WeChat's accessstoken |
openid | string | user's unique identification at a given application |
reqBody | json | json Object data requested to WeChat |
json data explanation
Data json format:
"msg_type" : 1, //int,message type, 1: structured sharing; 2: link sharing
"sub_type" : 2, //int,share type; invite: 1; show off: 2; give: 3; ask for: 4
"appid" : "wxa28d26b2e31a21c4", //string,WeChat's appid
"groupid" : "mt2group", //string,guild id
"open" : {
"title" : "test1", //string, the title of the message
"desc" : "test2", //string, the introduction of the message
"share_url" : "", //string, hoplink; when msg_type equal to 1, it isn't needed to carry the parameter; when msg_type is equal to 2, it is needed to carry the parameter
"ext_info" : "test3", //string, the third-party program's user-defined simple data; WeChat will transmit it to the third-party program to handle; the length is controlled within 2k. This field can be gotten when the user clicks on the client
"message_ext" : "test4", //string, extra field for message
"media_tag_name" : "test5", //string, used to distinguish game message type; used for data statistics
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | string | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
platCode | string | platform error code; pay attention to it when ret is not 0 |
6) Example:
POST /relation/wxsend_groupmsg?timestamp=*&appid=**&sig=***&openid=**&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2AFUqpPDuHWnG-7zOK_CIkx0PWh694IgF0gRriiB4qj3A",
"msg_type" : 1,
"sub_type" : 2,
"appid" : "wxa28d26b2e31a21c4",
"groupid" : "mt2group",
"open" : {
"title" : "test1",
"desc" : "test2",
"share_url" : "",
"ext_info" : "test3",
"message_ext" : "test4",
"media_tag_name" : "test5",
//return result
personal information
[mobile QQ] Get a player's first login flag after the player makes real-name registration
1) interface name:/profile/qqget_first_reg
2) Interface description: Get a player's first login flag after the player makes real-name registration.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't 0, see the error description returned in msg |
need_pop | string | a flag showing whether or not it is needed to pop up a window; "1": yes; others: no; remarks: pop up a window only when "1" is clearly received successfully; do not pop up any window in case of other values or exceptions |
realname_flag | string | real-name flag; "1": real name; others: not real name |
mobile_flag | string | a flag showing whether the user registers with his or her mobile phone number; "1": register with the mobile phone number; others: register not with the mobile phone number |
6) Example:
POST /profile/qqget_first_reg?timestamp=1510046500&appid=100703379&sig=b6080f45265d07fe5a48028cf59d8507&openid=061C8A0EC0E107B058960FBF2B3A3C41&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 77
//return result
[Mobile QQ] Get VIP information
1) interface name:/profile/query_vip
2) Interface description: Get QQ account VIP information (with login state).
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
vip | int | Query type: member:vip&0x01 !=0; QQ level:vip&0x02!=0; blue diamond:vip&0x04 != 0; red diamond:vip&0x08 != 0; super member:vip&0x10 != 0; Xinyue:vip&0x40 != 0; yellow diamond:vip&0x80 != 0; animation:vip&0x100 != 0; Xinyue level (new interface):vip&0x200 != 0;Joy gamer level description; the larger the number, the higher the level, as described below: 1: Gamer G1 2: Gamer G2 3: Gamer G3 4: Gamer G4 5:Joy vip1 6:Joy vip2 7:Joy vip3 the aforesaid levels can be combined at will (logical AND); if members and blue diamond need to be queried at the same time,(vip&0x01 !=0) && (vip&0x04 != 0) is true,(remark: only fill in relevant identification bits at the time of request) |
xinyue_upgrade | int | When the value is 1, it indicates to use Xinyue’s new interface |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
lists | array | flag (int); isvip (int) determine the user VIP state's unique identification, (0 no, 1 yes); year (int) annual fee? (0 yes, 1 no); level (int) VIP level; when request parameter xinyue_upgrade=1, the value of level is the new level of xinyue, as follows: 1: Gamer, 2: Gamer Pro, 3: V1, 4: V2, 5: V3, 6: V4, 7: V5 luxury (int) luxury version? (0 no, 1 yes); |
flag value explanation: |
VIP_NORMAL(member) = 1,
VIP_QQ_LEVEL(QQ level) = 2, //QQ level; only need to pay attention to the "level" parameter, and others are invalid
VIP_BLUE(blue diamond) = 4,
VIP_RED (red diamond)= 8, //red diamond has no annual fee membership logo return
VIP_SUPER (super members)= 16, //QQ super member; only isvip is valid
VIP_XINYUE = 64, //Xinyue club's privileged member; when the flag is requested, only isvip and level are valid
VIP_YELLOW = 128, //yellow diamond member
VIP_ANIMIC = 256, //animation member, only isvip is effective
VIP_XINYUE_NEW = 512, //Xinyue level (new interface)
6) Example:
POST /profile/query_vip?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"appid": "100703379",
"openid": "A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37",
"vip": 512,
//Return format
"ret": 0,
"msg": "",
"lists": [{
"flag": 1,
"year": 0,
"level": 0,
"luxury": 0,
"isvip": 0
"flag": 2,
"year": 0,
"level": 10,
"luxury": 0,
"isvip": 1
"flag": 4,
"year": 0,
"level": 0,
"luxury": 0,
"isvip": 0
"flag": 8,
"year": 0,
"level": 0,
"luxury": 0,
"isvip": 0
"flag": 0,
"year": 0,
"level": 11,
"luxury": 0,
"isvip": 0
[Mobile QQ]blue diamond gift bag
1) interface name:/profile/get_gift
2) Interface description: get blue diamond gift bag, and clear the gift bag after the interface is called once.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
GiftPackList | array | giftId(string) gift bag id giftCount(string) the number of corresponding gift bags |
6) Example:
POST /profile/get_gift?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 77
"appid": "100703379",
"openid": "F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E"
//return result
"GiftPackList": [
"giftCount": "1",
"giftId": "1001"
"msdkExtInfo": "testhunter",
"msg": "success",
"ret": 0
[Mobile QQ] wifi qualification
1) interface name:/profile/get_wifi
2) Interface description: Get portable wifi qualification.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
wifiVip | int | 1: wifivip qualification, 0: non-wifivip qualification |
6) Example:
POST /profile/get_wifi?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 77
"appid": "100703379",
"openid": "F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E"
//return result
"msg": "success",
"ret": 0,
"wifiVip": 1
[Mobile QQ] Report achievements
1) interface name:/profile/qqscore_batch
2) Interface description: reported the player's achievements to QQ platform, and display friends' score ranking in the QQ Game Center. (Take effect in real time. You can verify via the page if the data are reported successfully: Note: If you do not have permissions, please contact MSDK Assistant for specific usage methods)
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
param | array | data(string) achievement value; expires(string) unix timestamp, unit: second, indicating that data will expire at a given time point. If the value is 0, the logo will never expire. If there is no transmission, the default value is 0 ; type(int) uploads the field type. As for specific type, refer to the document offered by mobile QQ game center, for example, 1 represents level; bcover(int) data related to the leaderboard bcover=0, others, bcover=1. The game center's leaderboard keeps consistent with the game's leaderboard;1 indicates overwritten reporting, that is, this report will overwrite the previous data. No transmission or transmission of other values indicates incremental reporting, that is, only record the data higher than the previous time |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST/profile/qqscore_batch?timestamp=1381288134&appid=100703379&sig=3f308f92212f75cd8d682215cb3fa8**&openid=F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 418
"appid": "100703379",
"accessToken": "E16A9965C446956D89303747C632C27B",
"openid": "F4382318AFBBD94F856E866043C3472E",
"param": [
"type": 3,
"bcover": 1,
"data": "999",
"expires": "123459751"
"type": 2,
"bcover": 1,
"data": "1999",
"expires": "123459751"
//return result
Get Xinyue Super R player's memebership ID(the interface is GET request)
1)Interface name: /profile/get_xinyue_super
2)Interface description: Get Xinyue Super R player's memebership level information.
3)URL format:
4)Parameter description:
Parameter name | Description |
appid | The game's unique identification |
access_token | login state |
access_type | Access type, 1: login via manual QQ, 2: login via WeChat |
trace_id | Call unique string code; it is recommended to be "business abbreviation -openid-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-xxxxxx (6-bit random number)" |
5)Return explanation:
Parameter name | Description |
ret | return code0: correct, others: failure |
msg | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
ilevel | Super R member level, 10: Super R, 11: Top R, 0: Non-Super R member; if the interface returns failure, this field defaults to 0 |
openid | request string passthrough |
trace_id | request string passthrough |
6) Example:
//return result
Get the membership ID of a player at Xinyue WeChat platform(The interface is a GET request)
1)Interface name:/profile/get_wx_xinyue_vip
2)Interface description: Get the membership level of a player at Xinyue WeChat platform.
3)URL Format:
4)Parameter description:
Parameter name | Description |
appid | The game's unique identification |
access_token | login state |
serial | serial number, suggested as "business abbreviation _YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_xxxxxx (6-bit random number)" |
seven_flag | when the value is 1,return Level 7 Joy vip member's information (1: Gamer G1; 2: Gamer G2; 3: Gamer G3; 4: Gamer G4; 5: Joy vip1; 6: Joy vip2; 7: Joy vip3); In case of other values, return Level 3 vip member's information (1- Joy vip1; 2- Joy vip2; 3- Joy vip3) When request parameter xinyue_upgrade=1, it is a new level for xinyue, as follows: 1: Gamer, 2: Gamer Pro, 3: V1, 4: V2, 5: V3, 6: V4, 7: V5 |
xinyue_upgrade | int; when the value is 1, it indicates to use xinyue’s new interface |
5)Return explanation:
Parameter name | Description |
ret | return code0: correct, others: failure |
msg | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
ilevel | Joy level; in case of a non-Joy user, return 0; As for the meaning of a level, please refer to the description of incoming parameter seven_flag |
serial | request string passthrough |
6) Example:
//return result
[WeChat]Get privileges
1) interface name:/profile/wxget_vip
2) Interface description: Get WeChat privileges
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
json | array | request json, content: {"optype":1}: indicate to get the user and game friend, no other values for now |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | privilege information vipinfo |
Vipinfo explanation
//in the vipinfo array, the first piece of record is defaulted to the requester, and the friend comes after it; if there is no data, data is null
"vipinfo": [
"openid": "xxx",
"level": 1, //Level
"score": 310, //Score
"nick": "VIP1", //vip name
"logo_url": "xxxx", //vip logo image url
"logo_faceurl": "xxx" //URL of vip logo image used for embedding the avatar
//logo_url and logo_faceurl parameters are unavailable for now, there is no need to give attention to them
"openid": "xxx",
"level": 0,
"score": 0,
"nick": "VIP0",
"logo_url": "xxxx",
"logo_faceurl": "xxx"
6) Example:
POST /profile/wxget_vip?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 298
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2C-TqXCXdT-DZ44iKkidglb5Q9jQbXnMPrSTck_DUdGMg",
"json": {
"optype": 1
//return result
"msg": "success",
"ret": 0,
"vipinfo": [
"openid": "xxx",
"level": 1,
"score": 310,
"nick": "VIP1",
"logo_url": "xxxx",
"logo_faceurl": "xxx"
"openid": "xxx",
"level": 0,
"score": 0,
"nick": "VIP0",
"logo_url": "xxxx",
"logo_faceurl": "xxx"
[WeChat] Get a player's first login flag after the player makes real-name registration
1) interface name:/profile/wxget_first_reg
2) Interface description: Get a player's first login flag after the player makes real-name registration.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't 0, see the error description returned in msg |
need_pop | string | a flag showing whether or not it is needed to pop up a window; "1": yes; others: no; remarks: pop up a window only when "1" is clearly received successfully; do not pop up any window in case of other values or exceptions |
realname_flag | string | real-name flag; "1": real name; others: not real name |
mobile_flag | string | a flag showing whether the user registers with his or her mobile phone number; "1": register with the mobile phone number; others: register not with the mobile phone number |
6) Example:
POST /profile/wxget_first_reg?timestamp=1510046500&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5f&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 77
//return result
[WeChat] Report achievements
1) interface name:/profile/wxbattle_report
2) Interface description: report the game's achievement information (score and combat, etc.) to WeChat game center; the reporting time is the moment when each game, pass or round is completed; the game can also define the reasonable reporting time by itself. WeChat game platform side (Contact MSDK Assistant for specific usage methods) will put forward the requirement on which data the game should report, and the game can report the data after both sides communicate with each other.
Take the game called "Universal Aircraft War" for example. Gold coins and physical strength belong to the game's personality data, and the score is selected as the basis for the WeChat friend leaderboard (keep consistent with the game whenever possible).
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
json | json | Battle json data |
json data explanation
Reporting data's json format (single user data):
"baseinfo": {
"gamename":"Universal Aircraft War", //string type, game name, which should be filled
"platid": 0, //integer, platform type 0: iOS 1: Andriod, Required
"partitionid": "9", //string type, partition ID; if the game has no partition concept, this item can be omitted; otherwise, it should be filled
"roleid": "wongcai", //string type, role ID; if the game has no role concept, this item can be omitted. Otherwise, it should be filled
"level": 2 //integer, user level; if the game user has no level conept, this item can be omitted; otherwise, it should be filled,
"battleinfo": {
"score": 4288625, //integer; this value affects the leaderboard of WeChat games, and it is not required. However, there will be no leaderboard without the data (take "Universal Aircraft War" as an example. The score obtained in the game should be filled in this item)
"iswin": true //bool, whether or not to win in the current game? It is suitable for chess and card games. If there is no "win" concept, this item can be omitted. Otherwise, it should be filled
"userdefined": { //the game's user-defined data; the platform can put forward requiements on what data should be reported, but the game side doesn't need toput forward such requiements on its own yet. For example, the platform requires "Universal Aircraft War" to report user-defined data such as gold coins, physical strength and warplanes, wherein, the "value" type is integer or string type:
"goldcoin": { //User-defined data ID1
"name": "gold", //string, data name
"value": 358267, //integer, data value
"power": { //User-defined data ID2
"name": "Stamina", //string type, data name
"value": 86542, //integer, data value
"plane": { //User-defined data ID3
"name": "warplane", //string type, data name
"value": "Seraphim", //string type, data content
//user-defined data can be extended continuously
//Support a multitude of user batch data, and the aforesaid several single cases can be integrated into json array format:[{用户数据1},{用户数据2},...]
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /profile/wxbattle_report?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 372
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"baseinfo": {
"gamename": "xxx",
"platid": 0,
"partitionid": "9",
"roleid": "hunter",
"level": 2
"battleinfo": {
"score": 4288625,
"iswin": true
//return result
"msg": "success",
"ret": 0
[WeChat] Message subscription
1) interface name:/profile/subscribe_getlist
2) Interface description: the list of subscribed messages
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | the player's unique identification, used in marking the source of MSDK backend information (null if there is no source) |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
subscribeList | array | Subscribed list information |
more | bool | Are there more lists, true: Yes, false: No |
subscribeList explanation:
"subscribeList": [
"id": 19, //message id
"title": "2111", //message title
"status": false //Subscribed or not? true: subscribed false: not subscribed yet
"id": 43,
"title": "test_msg",
"status": false
6) Example:
POST /profile/subscribe_getlist?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 257
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2C-TqXCXdT-DZ44iKkidglb5Q9jQbXnMPrSTck_DUdGMg"
//return result
"subscribeList": [
"id": 19, //message id
"title": "2111", //message title
"status": false //Subscribed or not? true: subscribed false: not subscribed yet
"id": 43,
"title": "test_msg",
"status": false
"more": false
[WeChat] Batch subscription
1) interface name:/profile/subscribe_setlist
2) Interface description: batch subscription setting
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | the player's unique identification, used in marking the source of MSDK backend information (null if there is no source) |
accessToken | string | login state |
msgId | array | list of requested message ID, such as [1,2,3] |
opType | int | operation type 0-subscribe, 1-cancel |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 293
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2C-TqXCXdT-DZ44iKkidglb5Q9jQbXnMPrSTck_DUdGMg",
"msgId": [77],
"opType": 1
//return result
[WeChat] Subscription push
1) interface name:/profile/subscribe_push
2) Interface description: push subscribed messages; push the messages to all subscribers
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | the player's unique identification, used in marking the source of MSDK backend information (null if there is no source) |
msgId | int | list of requested message ID, such as 77 |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /profile/subscribe_push?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 101
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"msgId": 77
//return result
[WeChat] Subscription clearance
1)interface name:/profile/subscribe_clear
2) Interface description: clear message subscribers
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | the player's unique identification, used in marking the source of MSDK backend information (null if there is no source) |
msgId | int | list of requested message ID, such as 77 |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
POST /profile/subscribe_clear?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&openid=A3284A812E%20CA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 101
"appid": "wxcde873f99466f74a",
"openid": "oGRTijrV0l67hDGN7dstOl8CphN0",
"msgId": 77
//return result
[WeChat] Elite query
1) interface name:/profile/wxget_eliteinfo
2) Interface description: an interface used to query WeChat elite users
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's unique identification |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
accessToken | string | login state |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | array | including: wx_elite(int): 0 indicates the user is not WeChat elite user, 1 indicates the user is WeChat elite user; game_elite(int ):0 indicates the user is not the game's elite user,1 indicates the user is the game's elite user |
6) Example:
POST /profile/wxget_eliteinfo?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 176
"accessToken": "OezXcEiiBSKSxW0eoylIeLl3C6OgXeyrDnhDI73sCBJYyBcXKXYWTlxU_BAMfu7Rzsr51Nu-CarhcPT6zYlD9FrWRzuA0ccQMgrTGqpao2C-TqXCXdT-DZ44iKkidglb5Q9jQbXnMPrSTck_DUdGMg"
//return result
"data": {
"wx_elite": 0, //0 indicates the user is not WeChat elite user, 1 indicates the user is WeChat elite user
"game_elite": 0 //0 indicates the user is not the game's elite user,1 indicates the user is the game's elite user
Provide the directed sharing ability for mobile QQ and mobile Qzone.
1) interface name:/share/qq
2) Interface description: point-to-point directed sharing (share the message to mobile QQ friends and display it in the public account "QQ Mobile Game"). The platform side of this interface no longer accepts game access. If you have special needs, please contact the mobile QQ game center to connect (the game that has been connected can continue to be used).ark share can call /share/qqark interface.
1.The shared content can be seen only on mobile QQ and can’t be seen on PC QQ.
Receiver: The same user can receive up to 5 pieces of message per day (receive up to 5 pieces from the same user per day) and can receive up to 20 pieces per week
2.Restrictions on sending and receiving messages:
(1) Structured message:
The same pair of numbers can send and receive messages to each other, and the number of interactions is once a day.
The receiver can receive up to 5 pieces of message per day and 20 per week
The sender can send up to 10 pieces of message per day and up to 40 pieces of message per week to different users
(2) ark message:
The receiver can receive up to 5 pieces of message per day and up to 3 pieces of message from the same person
The sender can send up to 30 pieces of message per day and up to 100 pieces of message per week.
3.Messages received through the public account of "QQ Mobile Games" will be issued on the platform side with a delay, and will be issued through the public account at three fixed time periods a day (currently at 12:00, 20:00 and 22:00 every day). A single user can receive up to 3 pieces of public account messages per day.
4.The following steps all need to contact Tencent's corresponding staff to dock.
(1) Provide the image copy and apply for gametag
(2) Input the new appid and gametag into the AMS process
(3) Configure a game center details page for test (later can be changed into an official details page)
(4) After the interface access is completed, verify whether the sharing is successful
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
openid | string | a player's unique identification |
userip | string | The user's client ip |
act | int | skip action (1: APP skip; fill in 1 in a unified manner; launch the game) |
oauth_consumer_key | int | appid(Application's unique id at the QQ platform) |
dst | int | msf-mobile QQ(incuding iphone, android qq, etc.); currently, only 1001 can be filled |
flag | int | roaming (0: yes; 1: no. currently, only 1 can be filled) |
image_url | string | the shared image URL (the image size is 128*128; it is needed to ensure the website can be accessed; and the image size shall not exceed 2M) |
access_token | string | login state |
src | int | message source (default value:0) |
summary | string | summary, whose length is not greater than 45 bytes |
target_url | string | URL of the Game Center's details page. Refer to here for details:; length can't exceed 256 bytes Note: Like game_tag, ADTAG in URL is required for the platform to distinguish the type of messages; it must contain one of the following types: (temporarily only four types available in the backend interfaces; the case (uppercase or lowercase) can't be changed) send heart: ADTAG=gameobj.msg_heart; corresponding game_tag=MSG_HEART_SEND Invite friends: ADTAG=gameobj.msg_invite; corresponding game_tag=MSG_INVITE Exceed: ADTAG=gameobj.msg_exceed; corresponding game_tag=MSG_FRIEND_EXCEED Challenge: ADTAG=gameobj.msg_pvp; corresponding game_tag=MSG_SHARE_FRIEND_PVP |
title | string | Share title, whose length shall not be greater than 45 bytes |
fopenids | vector or json | Json array; the data format is [{"openid":"","type":0}], openid is a friend's openid, and type is fixed to transmit 0. Only support to share messages to one friend |
previewText | string | No need to fill |
game_tag | string | Required. gameTag is used for the platform statistics of share types, such as Heart Send share and Exceed share. Its value is set by the game developer and synchronized to the QQ platform. gameTag now has several values available. Only some of the values are listed for reference. Fill in a proper value after communicating with the QQ platform: |
1.Receive the push message through the public account: |
"MSG_INVITE":Invite |
"MSG_FRIEND_EXCEED":Show off exceeding |
"MSG_HEART_SEND":Send heart |
2.Push and receive structured messages via C2C: |
"MSG_RECALL":Recall |
3.Ark messages: |
"MSG_INVITE_FRIEND_ARK":Get new users |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | return code 0: correct, others: failure |
msg | string | if ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
6) Example:
/share/qq?timestamp=1380018062&appid=wxcde873f99466f74a&sig=dc5a6330d54682c88846b1294fbd5fde&encode=2 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 198
"act": 1,
"oauth_consumer_key": 100703379,
"dst": 1001,
"flag": 1,
"image_url": "",
"openid": "A3284A812ECA15269F85AE1C2D94EB37",
"access_token": "933FE8C9AB9C585D7EABD04373B7155F",
"src": 0,
"summary": ""Summary",
"target_url": "{YOUR_APPID}&pf=invite&from=iphoneqq&plat=qq&originuin=111&ADTAG=gameobj.msg_invite
"title": "test by hunter",
"fopenids": [{"openid":"69FF99F3B17436F2F6621FA158B30549","type":0}],//json array
//return result
1)Interface name: /share/qqark
2)Interface description: QQ ark sharing interface.
Access-related reminders:
1. This interface provides the ark message C2C sharing capability (sharing messages to mobile QQ friends and displaying them in the friend dialog box). Apply for `sceneid` on the Oasis platform, and send ark-type messages. The following procedures all require contact with Tencent's contact persons:
(1)When the access party contacts the QQ platform operation staff to enter the information, the QQ platform operation staff will submit the information to the platform process team to enter it;
(2)After the interface access is completed, verify whether sharing is successful.
2. The shared content can only be seen on mobile QQ, but not on PC QQ.
3. Restrictions on sending and receiving messages:
The receiver can receive up to 5 pieces of messages per day and up to 3 pieces of messages per day from the same person.
The sender can send up to 30 pieces of messages per day and 100 pieces of messages per week.
3)URL format:
4)Description of input parameters:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
appid | string | The game's appid |
openid | string | The ID of the user who sends the shared message |
accessToken | string | The user's login status |
fopenid | string | The ID of the user who receives the shared message |
extra | string | The ark sharing template protocol on the QQ;in the QQ Oasis platformassignment protocol, remove the comments in the protocol and perform urlencode encryption |
5)Return description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code 0: success, others: failure |
msg | string | When ret is not 0, it means "error code, error prompt"; please refer to the description of error codes for detailed comments |
6) Example:
//Return result
Free flow
Query free flow
1) interface name:/freeflow/getinfo
2) Interface description: Query the user's free flow information according to openid, and MSDK backend returns the corresponding free flow information according to the user's subscription relationship.
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
openid | string | the user's openid |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Description |
ret | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
freeFlowInfo | free flow information |
ipList | string, all the free flow domain names or IPs of the current game |
isFree | int; is the user a free flow user? 0 represents that the user is not a free flow user; 1 represents that the user is a free flow user |
ccType | int, the type of the operator to which the user currently subscribes; 0 represents China Unicom, 1 represents China Telecom, and 2 represents China Mobile |
ltList | string, China Unicom free flow domain names or IPs configured by the current game |
dxList | string, China Telecom free flow domain names or IPs configured by the current game |
ydList | string, China Mobile free flow domain names or IPs configured by the current game |
expire | int, the expiration time of the currently returned information; it represents that the caller needs to query the user's free flow information again after a period of time, namely "expire" |
6) Example:
POST /freeflow/getinfo/?timestamp=1104680867&appid=110***&sig=***&openid=23F7F96A4920872EA3CA2DB6CB8EFE04&encode=1 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"freeFlowInfo": {
"ipList": "***",
"isFree": 1,
"ccType": 1,
"ltList": "***",
"dxList": "***",
"ydList": "***",
"expire": 3600
Inquire IP information
1) interface name:/freeflow/get_ccinfo
2) Interface description: Query the details of the IP according to the input IP or the client IP, including operator, region and so on. This interface is only available for the data-free function
3) URL Format:
4) Parameter description:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
openid | string | the user's openid |
ip | string | optional; if the field is empty, take the current IP which initiates the network request (the information in this mode may not be accurate; the ip field is usually left blank) |
5) Return explanation:
Parameter name | Description |
ret | return code 0:correct,others:failure |
msg | If ret isn't zero, this means "error code, error prompt"; for detailed comments, see the Error Code Description |
data | the current ip information |
apn | string; if it is a gateway, it has a value here; except for this, it is thought to be "wifi"; its default value is "unknown" |
city | string, city (in China) |
country | string, Country |
district | string, district (in China) |
extend | string, the name of a school or organization or gateway (in China) |
nettype | string, the network type; default: "unknown" |
oper | string, operator field |
province | string, province or municipality (in China) |
6) Example:
POST /freeflow/get_ccinfo/?timestamp=1104680867&appid=110***&sig=***&openid=23F7F96A4920872EA3CA2DB6CB8EFE04&encode=1&ip= HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
//return result
"ret": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"apn": "unknown",
"city": "Shenzhen",
"country": "China",
"district": "Nanshan District",
"extend": "unknown",
"nettype": "unknown",
"oper": "China Telecom",
"province": "Guangdong"